PSYC FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Comprehensive Case Presentation PSYC FPX 4900 Psychology Capstone Project

PSYC FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Comprehensive Case Presentation PSYC FPX 4900 Psychology Capstone Project


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  • Chelsea and Chen case study
  • Cultural Competence
  • Theoretical Explanation
  • Professional Behaviors
  • Supporting Research
  • Ethical Principles and Standards
  • Alternative Solutions
  • Course of Action
  • Supporting Research
  • Conclusion

Chelsea and Chen Case Study

  • Chen is a Chinese adoptee
  • Chen is in the 3rd grade
  • She is small and quiet
  • Chen performs well in school (Capella University, n.d.)
  • Chen refused to present her oral book report
  • She ran out of class crying
  • The teacher referred Chen to Chelsea
  • Chelsea is a 34-year-old white female school counselor (Capella University, n.d.)

Chen’s Background

  • Chen lived in an orphanage until she was 5 years old
  • She was adopted at the age of 5
  • Chen was born with a cleft palate
  • She moved to the U.S. with her American Caucasian parents
  • Chen underwent surgery to repair her cleft palate at age 6
  • The Clarks, Chen’s adoptive parents, are loving and supportive (Capella University, n.d.)

Cultural Competence

  • Understand
  • Accept
  • Appreciate
  • Interact With an Open Mind

What is Cultural Competence?

    • Age/Generation
    • Disability Status (developmental)
    • Disability Status (acquired)
    • Religion and Spiritual Orientation
    • Ethnicity
    • Sexual Orientation
    • Indigenous heritage
    • National Origin
    • Gender

Cultural Issues in Chen’s Case Study

  • Cultural Issues:
    • Age
    • Disability
    • Ethnicity
    • National Origin

Main Points of Cultural Difference

Chen (Chinese/Asian) Teacher (American/Caucasian)
Child Adult
Student Teacher
Immigrant U.S. Born
Birth Defect No Visible Defects
Less Power More Power

Cultural Issues

  • Chelsea needs to consider these cultural identities
  • Chelsea should address both Chen and her teacher’s behaviors
  • Chelsea can educate the teacher about Chinese culture, international adoption, and child social anxiety

Chelsea’s Considerations

Theoretical Explanation

  • Psychosocial Development Theory:
    • Based on eight stages of development
  • Erikson’s Theory:
    • Life development is staged
    • Early stages lay the foundation for later stages

Psychosocial Development Theory

  • If a child fails to progress through each stage, future developmental problems may arise
  • For example, failing to establish identity can lead to difficulties in relationships during adulthood

Attachment Theory

  • Bowlby/Ainsworth:
    • Children form attachments to caregivers
    • Attachment occurs even if caregiving is insufficient
    • Initial infant-caregiver experiences affect future relationships
    • Influences development and behavior in adult life

Chen’s Development

  • Chen lived in an orphanage until she was 5 years old
  • She was born with a cleft palate
  • Chen lacked consistent caregiving
  • She wasn’t nurtured during her early months
  • Chen did not develop trust, initiative, or self-confidence

Therapy Solutions

  • Recreate early psychosocial development stages
  • Chelsea should educate Chen’s parents
  • Chelsea can contact a specialist
  • Chelsea can connect Chen’s parents with resources to assist them in specialized parenting
  • Chelsea needs to talk to Chen about her feelings and fears

Professional Behaviors

  • Stereotyping
  • Biases
  • Prejudices

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