Question  Network Defense and Countermeasures Based on your knowledge, compose a synopsis compiling what you know about network defense and countermeasures. Describ

Network Defense and Countermeasures

Network Defense and Countermeasures

Based on your knowledge, compose a synopsis compiling what you know about network defense and countermeasures. Describ



Question  Network Defense and Countermeasures Based on your knowledge, compose a synopsis compiling what you know about network defense and countermeasures. Describ

Network Defense and Countermeasures

Network defense and countermeasures comprise several different elements: software and hardware. The main aim of network defense is to understand how to keep unauthorized users from accessing an organization’s resources and internal network. Conversely, countermeasures can be taken if an attack occurs, such as temporarily disconnecting the network, retracing the attacker’s IP and location, and resetting all user authentication credentials (Hong & Hua, 2018).

Knowledge of network defense and countermeasures can be effectively applied in both personal and professional life. From a private life, I can use this information to keep my personal information safe from hackers and other malicious users. This information can also support my financial resources since hackers could use my credentials to log into bank accounts and withdraw money (Premkumar & Sundararajan, 2021).

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In my professional life, I can use information about network defense and countermeasures to keep the organization’s resources safe and practice actions that do not compromise the organization’s cyber security. Information about network defense and countermeasures can also advise management on creating guidelines and policies to keep the organization safe (Lezzi, Lazoi & Corallo, 2018).

Network defense and countermeasures information can be used in the future to create new strategies to keep computers safe. This information can also track down hackers and other malicious users. Knowledge about network defense and countermeasures can also be used to warn users of possible social engineering and other attacks. Ransomware has become one of the most common and damaging attacks in cybersecurity. Information on network defense and countermeasures can, in the future, be used to prevent all kinds of ransomware (Enoch et al., 2022).


Enoch, S. Y., Moon, C. Y., Lee, D., Ahn, M. K., & Kim, D. S. (2022). A practical framework for cyber defense generation, enforcement, and evaluation. Computer Networks, 108878.

Hong, J., & Hua, Y. (2018, March). Research on network defense strategy based on honey pot technology. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 322, No. 5, p. 052033). IOP Publishing.

Lezzi, M., Lazoi, M., & Corallo, A. (2018). Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0 in the current literature: A reference framework. Computers in Industry103, 97-110.

Premkumar, M., & Sundararajan, T. V. P. (2021). Defense countermeasures for DoS attacks in WSNs using deep radial basis networks. Wireless Personal Communications120(4), 2545-2560.



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