Question  Think back to week 1 of the course when you joined the fictional committee to assist prospective students interested in your program. Reflection on the Application of Statistics One student had asked how statistics was used in your field, and you did an online search to identify 3 examples. Now that we have wrapped up the course consider how you would change your response to the student. Reflecting on the content topics that you have learned, what are 3 additional ways in which statistics is used in your field?

Think back to week 1 of the course when you joined the fictional committee to assist prospective students interested in your program.

Reflection on the Application of Statistics

Reflection on the Application of Statistics

One student had asked how statistics was used in your field, and you did an online search to identify 3 examples. Now that we have wrapped up the course consider how you would change your response to the student. Reflecting on the content topics that you have learned, what are 3 additional ways in which statistics is used in your field?


Question  Think back to week 1 of the course when you joined the fictional committee to assist prospective students interested in your program. Reflection on the Application of Statistics One student had asked how statistics was used in your field, and you did an online search to identify 3 examples. Now that we have wrapped up the course consider how you would change your response to the student. Reflecting on the content topics that you have learned, what are 3 additional ways in which statistics is used in your field?

eflection on the Application of Statistics

The topics covered in this unit have been insightful in interpreting and understanding real-life situations under the various statistical concepts. These concepts are applicable in a wide range of fields. Accordingly, the course offered an opportunity to learn the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics and how to apply these types of statistics to different situations. For instance, in education, the correlation coefficient can be used to establish the relation between students’ performance and other factors that affect their performance. This was one of the three examples where statistics could be applied in my field. After completing the course topics, some of the additional areas where the statistical concepts of the correlation coefficient, regression analysis, and probability can be applied in our field include;

Firstly, the correlation coefficient can be used in healthcare to determine the lifestyle aspects that contribute to various health conditions. For instance, a correlation test can be conducted to determine the extent of the relationship between the number of hours spent watching TV, expenditure on fast food, frequency of exercising, and the possibility of being obese. Hire our assignment writing services if your assignment is devastating you.

Further, the regression concept can be applied in the field of education to determine how factors such as study hours, student’s average grade at previous education level, number of hours the tutor attends class, and the student’s IQ level impact their average GPA score as shown by the significant levels (Kumari & Yadav, 2018). Findings from this regression analysis can help the schools and students determine how to balance these factors to improve their GPA scores.

Finally, probability measures the likelihood of an event occurring out of several other possible events (Bottai, Discacciati, & Santoni, 2021). As such, it can be used to determine the chances of winning a lottery in a competition to determine how to invest in such a probabilistic event.


Bottai, M., Discacciati, A., & Santoni, G. (2021). Modelling the probability of occurrence of events. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30(8), 1976–1987.

Kumari, K., & Yadav, S. (2018). Linear regression analysis study. Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences. 4. 33. 10.4103/jpcs.jpcs_8_18.



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