Question  You will perform a history of an abdominal problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform an assessment of the gastrointestinal system. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks, and submit this in a Word document to the drop box provided.

You will perform a history of an abdominal problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform an assessment of the gastrointestinal system. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks, and submit this in a Word document to the drop box provided.


Question  You will perform a history of an abdominal problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform an assessment of the gastrointestinal system. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks, and submit this in a Word document to the drop box provided.

Assessment of the Gastrointestinal System

Last month, I suffered from abdominal pain. I reported to the hospital with abdominal pain for the past week. The pain was on a scale of seven out of ten. The pain was sharp and radiated toward the back. I bought over-the-counter antiacids and painkillers that gave temporary relief to the pain. The abdominal pain was relieved after food and worsened three hours after a meal; therefore, I ate in small portions throughout the day to prevent the pain. The abdominal pain worsened at night and often woke me up from sleep. I also suffered from heartburn. A subjective assessment revealed abdominal pain, acid reflux, and heartburn. I did not experience vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, choking during sleep, indigestion, loss of appetite, constipation, or difficulty swallowing.

On the other hand, an objective examination revealed a blood pressure of 115/73 mmHg, heart rate of 72 bpm, respiratory rate of 17 bpm, SPO2 of 99% on room air, a height of 161cm, weight of 58 kg, and BMI of 22.4. Palpation of the abdomen revealed epigastric tenderness and pain and tenderness in the right upper quadrant (Mealie et al., 2022). A rapid urease test was positive for Helicobacter pylori (Malik et al., 2022). In addition, an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a gastric ulcer that appeared punched out and whitish. The identified risk factors were Helicobacter pylori, lifestyle habits, and continuous use of over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen. I suffer from migraines, hence the constant use of ibuprofen tablets, which I mostly take on an empty stomach, aggravating the ulcers (Malik et al., 2022). My daily activities are overwhelming; therefore, I ended up having only one meal a day, mostly snacks. Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.


Malik, T.F., Gnanapandithan, K., & Singh, K. (2022). Peptic Ulcer Disease. StatPearls Publishing.

Mealie, C.A., Ali, R., & Manthey, D.E. (2022). Abdominal Exam. StatPearls Publishing.



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