Read Chapter 14, Fractions Book: Van de Walle, J.A. (2018), Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally appropriate instruction for Grades PreK-2, (Vol 1) 3rd Edition; Pearson Looking for standards visit: Fractions can be taught at an early age using developmentally appropriate strategies. Create a 5-day lesson plan for 1st-grade teaching fractions. (Short version plan) How would you introduce fractions? How would you engage children in the process of learning? What manipulatives would you use?

Read Chapter 14, Fractions Book: Van de Walle, J.A. (2018), Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally appropriate instruction for Grades PreK-2, (Vol 1) 3rd Edition; Pearson Looking for standards visit: Fractions can be taught at an early age using developmentally appropriate strategies. Create a 5-day lesson plan for 1st-grade teaching fractions. (Short version plan) How would you introduce fractions? How would you engage children in the process of learning? What manipulatives would you use?

Lesson Plan for 1st-Grade Teaching Fractions

Teacher: Weekly Lesson Plans For the week of  
Themes: FRACTIONS Grade Level: 1st Grade  
  Math Reading Language Centers Differentiation  
Monday The teacher will introduce fractions by explaining to the students that fractions represent a whole thing differently.


The teacher will provide the students with visual aids, such as paper shapes cut in different fractions for illustration to help them distinguish the defining attributes, such as a square with all sides equal, and non-defining attributes, like the color of the shapes (Wright et al., 2016).


Standard: 1.G.1

The students will pay attention to the introductory part of the lesson. They will interact with the visual aids, stating their features and orientation.



The students will read from the class text ‘Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades Pre-2’ to acquire basic fractions-related facts.

The students will learn fraction language, including numerator, the number of pieces represented, and denominator, the total number of parts of the whole shape or object. #1 LITERACY


The students will read from the class text to improve their basic knowledge of fractions and be acquainted with the relevant language associated with the learning activity.

The teacher will incorporate technology into the learning activity. Using gamification strategies makes learning fun and interesting, boosting students’ willingness to identify parts of the fraction, such as the numerator (Setambah et al., 2023).  
Tuesday The teacher will provide the students with scissors and paper and guide them in making different shapes to illustrate the defining attributes.



Standard: 1.G.1

The students will draw and build shapes using the materials provided. They will identify and describe the shapes to distinguish between defining and non-defining attributes. The students will differentiate different features of shapes, such as triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, pentagons, and hexagons, to understand the fractions associated with each. #2 ART


The students will model different shapes: squares, circles, and triangles.

The teacher will provide direct instructions on identifying the fractions by giving relevant demonstrations.  
Wednesday The teacher will compose two- and three-dimensional shapes and present them to the students (Wright et al., 2016).


The teacher will also compose different fractions for the shapes.


Standard: 1.G.2

The students will show specific fractions requested by the teacher by comparing the whole shape with the smaller pieces. Students will use numeric representation for different fractions, such as ½, ¼, ⅓, ⅔, and ¾. #3 WRITING


The students will color shapes in the provided shape worksheets to differentiate the shapes, with similar shapes being colored with the same color.

The teacher will use familiar items and objects to offer illustrations. Students like food. Hence, the teacher can use food materials like pizza, pie, or an orange to help students understand the fractions.  
Thursday The teacher will introduce fraction terms, including halves, fourths, thirds, and quarters, by describing the shape division in association with the whole shape (Wright et al., 2016).



Standard: 1.G.2

The teacher will provide the students with manipulative chips of different colors, and the students will demonstrate different fractions using the chips. The students should familiarize themselves with common terms used to describe a fra

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