Reasons Why Face-To-Face Education Is Better Than Online Learning

Reasons Why Face-To-Face Education Is Better Than Online Learning



The education sector is critical since it primarily impacts the growth and development of a country. Many nations have different learning methods used to ensure that learners acquire adequate skills in various careers. Modern technology has also been of great significance in schooling since people can attend their learning sessions online. Face-to-face education is a traditional system used in many states, whereby individuals have to go to school. Face-to-face education is better than online education since it boosts interpersonal interaction between students and their instructors, encourages students to connect with others and learn how to socialize with different people, and there is less distraction.

Interpersonal interaction between students and their instructors is vital since it helps teachers identify students’ weaknesses in different areas and develop ways to help the learners overcome the challenges. Moreover, creating a good relationship with teachers allows students to have the courage to ask questions in parts where they experience difficulties (Paul and Jefferson 3). Teachers can also educate students about other aspects of society and mentor them in dealing with various issues they may encounter in their working fields. For instance, instructors can create a good relationship with students, be their counselors, and educate them about moral behaviors. Thus, interpersonal interaction between students and their instructors is an important issue that is hard to practice in online education.

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Face-to-face education encourages students to connect with others and learn how to socialize with different people. The world is diverse, and people have different beliefs and values. Therefore, the method allows learners to meet people of different backgrounds and learn about various cultures (Paul and Jefferson 3). Learning different cultures enables individuals to interact with numerous people in organizations and the community easily. Additionally, it helps a person value and appreciate other people’s origins. Religion is another issue that has led to conflicts in the community. Thus, face-to-face education is vital because students can socialize with their peers from other faiths and learn the importance of respecting all faiths. People can also note that face-to-face education does not only involve academic performance but includes other issues that people experience in the community, such as cultural differences.

Distractions can lead to poor performance of students due to the lack of concentration. Therefore, face-to-face education is essential since its setting limits interferences that individuals in online learning can experience (Paul et al. 6). For instance, people studying at home are likely to be abstracted by noisy neighbors. Moreover, social media has become common in the modern world, and many students have joined various platforms. Thus, social media texts that pop up during lessons can confuse learners. Family members can also engage in conversations that can pull one’s attention away from the class activities in online learning. Therefore, face-to-face education is vital since it provides a suitable environment for learners, whereby silence and fewer activities that can disturb individuals are minimized.

To conclude, both online and face-to-face education methods have various advantages. The two systems have been used in many regions to ensure that learners acquire different skills. Moreover, online learning has become common in the modern world due to technology. The current COVID-19 pandemic has also led to many countries encouraging the method to limit the virus’s spread. However, one can argue that face-to-face learning has more advantages than online education. For example, allowing students to socialize improves their growth and development since they learn about various cultures and religions. The interpersonal relationship between students and instructors is also achieved, which helps teachers learn the challenges students experience in different courses. Disturbances are also limited in face-to-face learning, unlike in the online approach, where individuals can be distracted by noise. Thus, the advantages of face-to-face education reveal that the method is better than online learning and should be encouraged to improve learners’ performance and development.

Work Cited

Paul Jasmine, and Felicia Jefferson. “A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance in an Online vs. Face-to-Face Environmental Science Course from 2009 to 2016.” Frontiers in Computer Science, vol. 1, no.1, 2019, pp. 1-9. Web.


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