Reasons Why Religion Should Not Be Taught in Schools

Reasons Why Religion Should Not Be Taught in Schools


According to Kurtzleben (2017), nonreligious groups such as atheists have interests and freedom that should be respected in schools. Religious studies are based on the belief in supernatural beings that are not recognized in atheism. Therefore, the teaching and practicing of religion in schools may make atheists and other nonreligious groups feel socially excluded and discriminated against.

Furthermore, religion may not consider every individual’s cultural diversity and beliefs (Kurtzleben, 2017). Nonreligious groups that form a minority may also feel harassed and discriminated against by the teaching of religion in schools. Furthermore, the study of religion contradicts some teachings of science.

For instance, while science teaching in schools will make learners believe and uphold the evolution theory, religious studies teach the opposite to the same learners. Hence, opponents of teaching religion in schools assert that it confuses the learner.

For instance, according to Gaylor (2014), it is advisable to teach atheism in schools as well for all learners to be well-represented. The evolution theory believes people are transformed over time through several stages and advancements.


I support religious studies in schools since the learner has more to gain than lose from religious subjects. Religious studies help in molding and shaping the world’s culture. However, it is important to allow students to choose whether they want to study religion since it has a bearing on their careers, as previously highlighted.

In my opinion, religious studies should not be made compulsory but optional. In so doing, it will ensure that the interests of religious and nonreligious students are respected and that nobody will feel discriminated against.


From the discussions above, it comes out clearly that religious studies should form part of the school curriculum. However, it is essential to underscore that the studies should provide an understanding of various cultures in the world to facilitate the integration of communities.


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