Rebuttal of Arguments for Abortion Taking Strict Measures against Abortion Will Reduce its Demand

Rebuttal of Arguments for Abortion Taking Strict Measures against Abortion Will Reduce its Demand


Proponents of anti-abortion laws argue that establishing strict rules, regulations, and reparations for abortion can limit the practice by reducing its demand, thus limiting the risks associated with illegal abortion practices. According to Chemlal and Giuliano, making abortion illegal without setting up appropriate frameworks to oversee adherence allows many clinicians to carry out the procedures at a fee (5). As a result, they do not adhere to standard medical solutions and might not offer high-quality assistance since they are not held accountable (Chemlal and Giuliano 8). Therefore, these limitations prevent anti-abortion laws from producing positive effects. However, getting rid of all the drugs and equipment that facilitate abortion and enhancing surveillance in medical institutions can help lawmakers reduce the incidents that occur through illegal abortion and prevent the act.

Abortion should be Illegal because It Undermines the Essence of Human Life

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Individuals who support criminalizing abortion argue that it is against the principles of morality because it does not acknowledge the value of human life. In particular, deontological theorists believe that life is a gift from God, meaning that human beings should not have the power to decide whether or not others should live (Di Muzio 211). Deontologists support that human life is divine and that everyone should enjoy the gift unconditionally. Therefore, allowing a woman to carry on with abortion translates to disrupting the national order of the world and the tenets of morality. Thus, although some pregnancies may be unwanted or bear potentially hazardous outcomes, clinicians should adopt other solutions, including offering the infant for adoption or paternal support services (Di Muzio 211). Making these solutions accessible can reduce the number of women opting for abortion.

Abortion Can Interfere with Women’s Health and Wellness

Supporters of anti-abortion laws argue that it might have adverse implications on women by interfering with their mental health and physiology. Reports from clinical studies suggest that abortion is one of the leading causes of infertility and stillbirths in women (Fleming et al. 7). In addition, researchers suggest mothers have a special relationship and connection with their children regardless of whether they are born. Therefore, a child might be born as a result of unusual circumstances, but a mother’s love might overcome these concerns. On the other hand, abortion can result in emotional and mental trauma that can cause stress, depression, and anxiety (Fleming et al. 12). Moreover, abortion exposes women to lifestyle risks like alcohol and drug abuse. Therefore, these adversities are far more detrimental to women than keeping a child and seeking solutions to improve their life quality.


Although various states and nations worldwide have established laws to prevent abortion, others allow abortion during the first trimester, while others only allow abortion if it is the only solution to save a patient’s life. However, this should not be the case as it prevents society’s progressive development toward justice and civil rights. The opponents of abortion argue it robs the essence of human life. Moreover, they support that abortion is associated with destructive outcomes that might interfere with a woman’s health. In addition, they support that limiting abortion can drive down its demand as it will encourage adopting other options. However, women choose abortion for several reasons that are often complicated to address. Moreover, abortion can encourage other forms of injustice to women, including forced sterilization. Lastly, criminalizing abortion risks the lives of women as they are forced to rely on untrained personnel and poor-quality services. Therefore, giving women the right to abortion will enable them to have more control over their autonomy and ensure that they are not limited in their endeavors.

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