Recommend a conflict resolution strategy for dysfunctional conflict.

Recommend a conflict resolution strategy for dysfunctional conflict.

One solution for conflict resolution strategies for dysfunctional conflict is for one to know that the presence of trust between entities makes conflict resolution relaxed and more effective. This is an obvious point because anyone who has ever been in a conflict knows that if you can’t trust someone, you’re not going to want to continue working with them. Also, if each side expresses trust for the other person then they are more likely to assume that the person’s acts are out of good intentions and can lead to better productivity for the overall situation. For example: a staff member says they will complete all the charting for the fellow patients that you each shared at the end of the day. So, you go home at the end of the night without looking at the charting because you trust that person to complete the task and fulfill a job that was designed

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