Recommendations on how to ensure employee retention in the industry

Recommendations on how to ensure employee retention in the industry


Ensuring that human resource management practices within the industry advocate for the overall well-being of employees (Xuecheng, Iqbal and Saina, 2022). According to the article by Kusluvan et al. (2010, p.176), there is a positive reliance on the organisational behaviour of ensuring employees’ emotional and psychological well-being is taken care of and improving their desire to remain working for a company. Because of the covid-19 pandemic, this was disregarded. This is because employees had to spend long hours of labour under threatening conditions close to people with the virus (Yin, Bi, and Ni, 2022). Therefore, hospitality and tourism companies should strive to incorporate a working environment that fosters positive overall well-being for their employees to ensure their retention is guaranteed.

The hospitality industry should improve the surety and security of their employees’ work positions to ensure high retention (Gurchiek, 2010). This recommendation is in line with the main issue causing high employee turnover in the industry discussed earlier (Elshaer and Azazz, 2021, p.2). Research illustrates that companies that guarantee surety of job positions positively motivate employees to remain working for protracted periods (Gurchiek, 2010). This can be done by involving them in decision-making regarding crucial issues in adverse organisational and operational shifts (Valackiene et al., 2021). For example, most hospitality and tourism stakeholders can involve their employees in discussing the division of labour and working hours to abide by the physical distancing policy. This improves their sense of security in their jobs and guarantees their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being is taken care of, thus improving their retention.

Human resource managers within the hospitality industry can also ensure that they recruit suitable talent to carry out the various roles (Ghani et al., 2022). This recommendation is based on the fact that employees with the skills to carry out the roles assigned are more likely to remain in the organisations (Walden University, 2019). This is since they are well equipped with either a theoretical or practical understanding of their roles, meaning they can easily carry out their jobs with minimal stress. Even so, the industry should ensure that all other factors are conducive and positively contributing to motivating the employees to continue being productive and working for their organisations.


As discussed, the assurance of security and well-being while working are crucial contributors to improving the retention of employees within organisations. Because of this, it is essential that the tourism and hospitality industry work towards improving their working environments to ensure the employees are positively influenced to remain working within their organisations. Research on various solutions on how to make work tedious task lighter for employees in the hospitality industry to reduce tasks on employees and improve well-being and job satisfaction.


Abdou, A.H., Khalil, A.A.F., Mahmoud, H.M.E., Elsaied, M.A. and Elsaed, A.A. (2022). The Impact of Hospitality Work Environment on Employees’ Turnover Intentions During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Conflict. Frontiers in Psychology, [online] 13. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.890418.

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