Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes-Patient Outcomes on a Global Basis

Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes-Patient Outcomes on a Global Basis

Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes-Patient Outcomes on a Global Basis

This class has widened my perspective on healthcare systems, politics, and health policies. Provisions from the class have enabled me to better understand political influences on healthcare systems across the globe and how policymakers can utilize policies to make a difference in healthcare operationalizations. The article “Crossing the Global Health Care Quality Chasm” gives an insight into the quality of healthcare across various healthcare systems across the globe. It enumerates aspects of global healthcare systems that still lag as far as quality and safety maintenance are concerned. These areas include access, equity, patient-centeredness, efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness. The article attributes these issues to systems design across global systems and human factors.

These factors inform nurses’ clinical decision-making processes. By viewing presenting clinical challenges through the global lens, nurses and other caregivers can elucidate inherent factors within the healthcare systems in which they operate that may influence their clinical decision-making processes and ultimately affect the clinical outcomes. Adopting the fundamental principles of healthcare design in which a nurse operates in their clinical decision-making processes and understanding human factors that interplay in these care systems enables nurses and other caregivers to provide optimal care. Berwick et al. (2018) assert that the fundamental system design that enables optimal care provision and informs clinical decision-making processes includes a care process that reflects societal values, full transparency during care provision, and anticipatory rather than reactive care. This calls for nurses and other caregivers to have a broader perspective of the societies they operate to enable them to have a broader understanding of the demographic features of their patients as well as the sociopolitical factors that influence the healthcare system they operate.

Also significant during clinical decision-making through the global lens are policy frameworks established by the government of the jurisdiction in which a nurse is operating in. Healthcare is a regulated discipline subject to legislation and policy frameworks. Nurses and other caregivers must know various laws governing nursing practice where they practice. Campos & Reich (2019) report that policy mechanisms such as commitment to involving patients in governance and healthcare design are existing levers that can be leveraged to improve patient care quality. This further reinforces the need for nurses to have knowledge of healthcare policies and utilize them in their clinical decision-making processes.

Several provisions of this course apply to nursing practice. I intend to apply what I have learned in the course to better my nursing practice. Notably, provisions on policy mechanisms and healthcare design will inform my clinical decision-making processes and allow me to interact objectively with the healthcare system I will be operating in to maintain quality and safety safeguards for the patient population I will be serving. As Griese et al. (2020) report, the differences in the design of healthcare systems and healthcare approaches across the globe cast the burden on healthcare providers to understand the healthcare systems they are operating in to enable them to make informed decisions on patient interventions. I believe that this class has widened my perspective on how external factors influence care operationalizations. I intend to apply these provisions in my future practice to ensure that my patients benefit from my choices.


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