Reflection on Personal and Professional Benefits Gained During the Module, Including New Skills and Knowledge Acquired

Reflection on Personal and Professional Benefits Gained During the Module, Including New Skills and Knowledge Acquired



I have demonstrated teamwork skills while studying for this module by being on time, reliable, prepared, and dedicated to my team. I put myself in the position of listening to others’ perspectives and was also able to manage constructive conflict among my team members. There was much disagreement about when to have meetings because different team members’ schedules conflicted, but I was able to prioritize my team and ensure flexibility. I also brought my professionalism and communication skills to work by respecting others’ opinions and ensuring messages were delivered clearly and concisely. Since I needed more creativity, I asked my teammates and tutor questions and used the internet for a more comprehensive search. This experience forced me to think more critically than I previously had, establish goals, and adhere to deadlines. Due to this lesson, I now have a deeper understanding of the principles and practices required to operate ethically and successfully as a professional in my area.

I am determined to keep learning and developing in these areas as my work develops, and these principles and practices will be essential to my success there. This has helped me become more adept at time management. I have learnt how crucial it is to be proactive and show initiative. I must be proactive in looking for opportunities to learn and improve and take the initiative to solve problems and handle issues as they arise if I want to be effective in my work (Welsh et al., 2010). This is being proactive in looking for extra training and development possibilities and ways to help my team and organization succeed.

So what?

As a part of a team made up of individuals with varying opinions and perspectives, I have learned how to listen intently and provide my team members with accurate criticism. Additionally, I have grown confident in delivering our project to my instructor. As I observed how my contributions to the team might impact productivity and performance, I became more conscious of the significance of accountability. As a result, I made careful to do any homework provided to me as soon as possible. These proved to me that they were skilled and able to collaborate with others. I suggested methods we might coordinate ourselves after the second week, when my team was disorganized, by designating who would be in charge of meetings on a rotating basis until the twelfth week. This demonstrated my capability for team management and leadership. My teammates welcomed a novel idea I implemented, which involved adding data to the project.

I also concurred with my teammate’s suggestions on how to deal with the project’s challenges, such as by rearranging our work. I realized my potential because of this. I realized how crucial confidence was to my learning when I looked back on the time I spent studying for this session. Initially, I hesitated to speak up during class debates because I frequently questioned whether I understood the raised issues. However, as I put more time into learning, my confidence improved. One strategy I employed to increase my confidence was actively looking for criticism (Skinner & Pitzer, 2012). I set realistic goals for myself. Instead of trying to handle everything at once, I focused on understanding one concept at a time. As a result, I had more control over my education and could rejoice in my minor successes along the way (McKernan, 2013). I discovered that a critical factor in boosting my confidence was surrounding myself with encouraging and sympathetic group members.

I also sent reminders on WhatsApp messenger for our team meetings’ scheduled times. I did this by sending emails. I remain committed to finishing the module with my team’s aim in mind (Behfar et al., 2008). After some thought, it is preferable to distribute tasks to team members who have the necessary competence rather than using more conventional methods like volunteering or based on convenience.

Now what?

On reflection, I needed to be more proactive in the early week of the group meeting. In the future, I will ensure I act swiftly in executing tasks that involve the team. I have learned not to work at my own pace. I will work at the team deadlines. This is significant because, in the future, as an operations Manager, I must seek and listen to the opinions of both lower and upper management in decision-making and achieving organizational goals. I will change my approach to team management by ensuring deadlines are set for days ahead to maintain the timeline. My communication skills will differ as I will pass messages clearly, timely, and accurately to avoid confusion.

To further my education and continuous professional and personal development, I intend to prioritize continuing education and look for opportunities to l

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