Reflections on Evolution, Box Office, and Creativity in Avengers Films

Reflections on Evolution, Box Office, and Creativity in Avengers Films


Overseas, it was even more successful, where it made almost $900 million. In 2012, It was the highest-grossing film as it was also named the third biggest gross in all of film history. The Avengers were able to stay at the top until Fast and Furious Seven came out. For Age of Ultron, Its gross in the first week was $191.3 million worldwide. This means that it did not surpass the first Avengers film opening week, which was a surprise to many people. Some say it’s because it was on the same day as the boxing championship between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. The fight itself earned over $250 million that weekend. This still isn’t an excuse, but it’s just some factors that could have affected the sales. Age of Ultron is the eleventh out of a series of films. That means there’s been a lot of evolution since 2012. The number of actors involved has gotten significantly larger. The threats and enemies have gotten stronger.

And in total, the fan base increased and led to superhero films becoming mainstream. Since superhero films come out more often, does that mean non-comic book fans accept the movie? It doesn’t seem to be so due to the mixed reviews. Overall, I still believe superhero films can survive, constantly evolve, and add characters like in the Age of Ultron. Yes, there might not be a film that can match up to the success of The Avengers, but they can still aim to do big things.

Bringing it all together, the major differences between The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron are in how it focuses on groups of two, themes, the adapting characterizations, and its box office numbers. After a movie like The Avengers, it will be hard to match it. The thing is, some people don’t want the MCU to take characters on a different path or minimize their screen time. In addition, finding an interesting new enemy could be hard. In conclusion, creating a product that pleases everyone is impossible, but it’s important to know that creators are willing to take risks. That’s why I give props to Age of Ultron, as it was brave enough to do so.


  1. Feige, K. (Producer). (2008). Iron Man.
  2. Whedon, J. (Director & Writer). (2012). The Avengers.
  3. Whedon, J. (Director & Writer). (2015). Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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