Regulatory Information Impacts The Use Of Health Information Technology

Regulatory Information Impacts The Use Of Health Information Technology


            Nurses are also involved with others to enhance the delivery of health services regarding the use of HIT in the full and effective way (McBride & Tietze, 2022). Specifically, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) states that HIT is important to make things clear, include people, and help control cost and supply for United States healthcare. HIT could potentially assist with making the differences in the manner through which healthcare services are offered something improved and improved. A platform that is open to constant updates renders the utmost convenience for doctors and nurses to get details of a patient’s health and also record reports (NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2). Despite these issues, HIT contributes to the production of new technologies and the effective utilization of innovations, considering the requirement for new legislation and administration proposals and encouraging the realistic opportunities for HIT to have vast beneficial impacts and even amplify patient care (Martin et al. , 2019).

The Importance Of Creating A HIPAA-Compliant Spreadsheet

            Nurses have a critical assignment in collaboratively improving other professions delivering medical services when more information health technology (McBride & Tietze, 2022) is employed proficiently, wholly and effectively. The ACA states that HIT is needed for clarity, for efficiency, for inclusion and also to ensure that there is data for managing both demand and utilizing the supply of healthcare in the USA. NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 Healthcare IT or HIT is still at a young state but it possesses the ability to revolutionize how literally healthcare is delivered. A platform that has constant and continuing updates means that doctors and nurses can access general or specific health information about the patient and record the reports that they have at their disposal (UCF Online, 2021). Despite these issues, HIT contributes to the development of new technologies and use of new technologies, recognising the requirement for improved legal and administrative frameworks while envisioning that there are real opportunities for HIT to achieve significant impacts and enhance the quality of patient care (Martin et al. , 2019).


            One of the many significant functions of health informatics is to assist patients, physicians, other healthcare practitioners, and providers through the process of collecting, indexing, sorting, and processing data. Policies like the healthcare forms HIPAA and ACA regulate who can view and alter information. This shields individuals’ identity as well as the information they provide from malicious individuals. With the development of nursing informatics and the enhancement on health information technology, it has not been difficult for the doctor to glance at, and assess the information. Which then means that people enhanced status of care in the health sector. NURS FPX 6410 Assessment 2 the medical experts particularly the nurses to offer their best services and ensure that the patients receive better health care attention in a faster manner. In this regard, the ultimate purpose of nurse technology is achieved.


Adelphi University. (2020, September 10). Benefits of informatics in nursing. Adelphi University Online.

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