Reproductive Health: Birth Control

Reproductive Health: Birth Control


Birth control was not widely used in the past as information about them was very limited. Since discussing sexual activities in the past was taboo, people could not also talk about them. However, various traditional methods were used, such as withdrawal, which is unreliable. The use of contraceptives in the United States was legalized after World War 1 when the soldiers brought home condoms after the war (Lee et al.). People use birth control methods widely nowadays, but it faces various barriers. The opponents of contraceptives claim that they are abortifacients, which goes against their religious beliefs and causes multiple health effects. However, some of these claims are misinformation and misclassification. This essay supports birth control because of its significance in preventing unwanted pregnancies. It will also discuss the evidence that disapproves of misinformation and misclassification about birth control methods.

A significant challenge faced by the birth control industries is misclassifications. Opponents of contraceptives classify them as abortifacients. They state that these methods facilitate the termination of pregnancy. Also, some politicians who oppose contraceptives initiated a bill to include birth control methods as abortion methods. This bill was, however, not passed into legislation because it was misinformation. Birth control methods do not function as abortifacients. When used correctly, they prevent pregnancies from occurring, not terminating them. Birth control methods work by preventing fertilization or the subsequent implantation of a fetus. Moreover, the Foods and Drugs Administration has approved contraceptives as efficient ways of preventing pregnancy and not abortifacients (Spitzer).

Religious beliefs about using various birth control methods are significant barriers to contraception. Religious individuals believe that using birth control methods is immoral since they argue that individuals should not limit themselves when giving birth. Some religious people do not even want to discuss the birth control issue. For example, when rel

igious-related organizations wanted to be exempted from covering their employees’ contraception, they were asked to report their refusal by writing. They argued that they were not even supposed to talk about the issue; hence the government should exempt them (Religion and birth control at the court). Nevertheless, birth control methods are efficient ways of preventing couples from having more children than they can provide for. Also, birth control methods do not portray immorality, especially when used by married couples.

Additionally, the right to contraception and abortion is in jeopardy if the Supreme Court judges pass the law in favor of the defendant in Roe vs. Wade case. He says abortion and birth control methods are not deeply rooted in societal values. If the ruling is made in his favor, then accessing birth control methods will be difficult as it will be illegal (Cohn). However, the benefits of birth control outweigh its limitations, such as not being according to society’s values. The primary significance of using birth control methods is preventing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies, especially among teenagers. And since they can access information about contraceptives in various ways, they will have an understanding of how they work and use them effectively.

In conclusion, birth control methods effectively prevent pregnancy when used correctly. It also aids in helping families get the number of children they afford to take care of well. Despite this significance, birth control methods face rejection from various people. Religious leaders label it as immoral acts of individuals, and other opponents misclassify it as abortifacients. Others also say that the methods do not have deep societal values. I support the use of birth control methods because, according to my experience, if I had the correct information about them, I would have planned my life accordingly, and it would have been different.

Works Cited

Cohn, Marjorie. “Overturning Roe vs. Wade Could Have Disastrous Consequences for Birth Control Access.” Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2022. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints.

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