Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. The IOM recommendations insist on having nursing staff who are well educated with a BSN degree improved by the year 2020 up to 80%. Thus, the author will gain a lot from getting a baccalaureate degree, enabling the author to fit in the ever-changing nursing

Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. The IOM recommendations insist on having nursing staff who are well educated with a BSN degree improved by the year 2020 up to 80%. Thus, the author will gain a lot from getting a baccalaureate degree, enabling the author to fit in the ever-changing nursing

Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level. Currently, the best professional practice in nursing. One has very many job options to choose from when looking for employment by acquiring a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Many health facilities have put it as a requirement for nurses to possess a bachelor’s degree in the nursing field, seen from the nursing degree's education trends as a golden standard. The author of this paper can choose the different career paths in this sector and be able to prepare in advance to handle the challenges of the evolving healthcare system (R1). The author can go into the education sector to offer education to the high number of nursing students currently in nursing schools. Besides, due to presently seasoned pandemics, the author also can go into the private sector and offer consultation services. Moreover, all these options are geared towards having quality healthcare services to patients

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