Roe v. Wade’s Argument Against Abortion

Roe v. Wade’s Argument Against Abortion


Roe v. Wade is the case that was in the Supreme Court in 1973 to prove the necessity of legal abortions and restricting them would be unconstitutional (English, 2019). When the Supreme Court made the ruling, Roe v. Wade was one of America’s most volatile and controversial cases about the right to life of the unborn child. Also, the controversy extended to the right of women to cut short the life of the developing baby in her womb. Most people believe that the life of a human being starts at conception. At the same time, other people believe that life begins when the fetus begins to have a heartbeat. On the other hand, also others believe that the life of a human being begins after the child is born. Christians are the people who say that life begins in the womb after conception and should be protected until the time to be delivered. Christians hold this belief because of their faith in God that He placed that life within the woman.

Those who oppose this argument say that a woman has a right to do what she likes with her own body, and the government should not be in a position to restrict her on what to do. Roe V. Wade was the initial foothold that women needed to secure this fundamental right, and with this right being questioned even now, it is essential to keep abortions legal and safe for all (English, 2019). This argument means that women have a right to do abortion, killing the fetus inside her womb with its DNA, blood, and brain because it is inconvenient in some way. In every argument, some different opinions and judgments differ. The issue of Roe v. Wade and the right to women to do an abortion has caused a lot of disagreement in the country. This disagreement has made many people have public protests. Other protests have led to violent demonstrations across the country. Several countries are banning abortions outrightly or with certain time restrictions like the presence of a six-week fetal heartbeat. The states that have currently refused the process of abortion include Iowa, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, North Dakota, Texas, and Tennessee. Texas stands firm on the matter, and some of the other states are still battling legally. Some states like South Carolina have banned abortion except under special occasions like rape. Currently, few states have banned abortion at the time of conception. These states include Utah, Arkansas, Alabama, and Louisiana. However, some states appear to recognize that abortion is legalized murder.

The fight against abortion continues in the court of law and many years to come (Greenhouse & Siegel, 2012). This is a sensitive matter that takes a stake in the unborn child’s life and holds the right of women in taking her free will. Pregnancy is defined as having offspring developing in the body, with young or child, as a female or woman mammal. Those who are against pro-life would argue that an unborn child is like a lump of tissue inside a woman’s body. This argument means that the woman has a right to terminate the life of an unborn child in her body. If someone kills a pregnant woman, the fetus also dies. The person will be charged in a court of law with double murder. This paper will explain why the unborn child is living in the womb, why it should be scared, and that a woman should not have the right to kill the child growing inside her body.

Some differences exist about the regulation and laws about abortion in the world. For example, it is illegal for some countries to do an abortion. In some countries, it is legal to do an abortion if the woman is in danger or affected by severe medical conditions. However, these laws and regulations impacted public health in developed and underdeveloped countries. According to Aghaei, Shaghaghi & Sarbaksh (2017), induced abortion is when pregnancy is terminated intentionally by surgical or medical means before the fetus is fully developed. Unsafe abortion is the termination of pregnancy when the woman does not use the required medical procedure. The administration of unsafe abortion is done either on unfavorable environmental conditions or hazardous medical standards. In some countries where abortion is illegal, women try to have a clandestine abortion that is unsafe and dangerous to the woman’s life, or it can have serious health complications to the woman.

Unsafe abortion contributes to approximately 13% of maternal deaths globally (Aghaei, Shaghaghi & Sarbaksh, 2017). These statistics mean that in every 22 million abortions carried out every year, 47000 women die, and 5 million other women receive complicated health conditions. Unsafe abortions contribute to hemorrhage, incomplete abortions, genital injury, and post-abortion sepsis. It is predicted that 5 million women are admitted to hospitals in developing countries because of unsafe abortion complications every year. This may result in long term health co

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