Role of the Joint Commission (TJC) as a MIPPA-Approved Accreditation Body

Role of the Joint Commission (TJC) as a MIPPA-Approved Accreditation Body


The Joint Commission (TJC) is an MIPAA-approved, non-profit organization that accredits healthcare organizations and other healthcare organizations within the United States. TJC aims to collaborate closely with various stakeholders within the healthcare industry to ensure the continued improvement of healthcare interventions, systems, programs, medical devices, and other healthcare-related practices. TJC is mandated to utilize various actionable health care standards and Acts such as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to establish a culture of safety and quality in health patient systems.

The Joint Commission utilizes the standards and guidelines set by the regulations and the law to critically evaluate healthcare organizations and the programs provided by the organization to ensure that the healthcare organizations provide healthcare services that are safe, of the highest quality, and provide value to the patients and other consumers (Ibrahim et al., 2022). The healthcare organizations evaluated by TJC must meet the set standards to gain accreditation. The TJC also provides feedback after evaluation that can assist organizations in improving their systems and services to meet the basic compliance requirements for accreditation. Therefore, The Joint Commission ensures that health care organization conduct all their activities and services in ways that meet the professional, legal, and ethical requirements and operate within the principles of safety and quality. Getting accredited by The Joint Commission can help the health facility achieve meaningful use and easily qualify for Medicaid and Medicare programs.

Administrative Roles in Employee-Focused Organizational Risk Management Strategies and Operational Policies

The different levels of administration and personnel play various significant roles in healthcare ethics and sustaining employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies. The administrative roles of the risk manager are critical to establishing and sustaining employee-focused risk management strategies within the organization. The risk managers establish the methodologies within the organization to detect, identify, and analyze risks to the cyber-physical infrastructure and their impact on the operations of the health care organization (Kure et al., 2018). The risk manager also develops cost-effective risk management strategies that are tailored to meet the identified risks. The risk manager also educates the employees on cyber security risks and threats and how to remain safe when interacting with interconnected systems.

Cybersecurity risk management and healthcare ethics are the responsibility of all members of the hospital staff. Successful management of cybersecurity challenges within an organization requires the adoption of collaborative strategies to support the management in dealing with related issues (Lezzi et al., 2018). All levels of administration have a role to play in ensuring that the employees adopt the best practices that guarantee cyber hygiene, maintenance of practice ethics, and an understanding of risk management strategies. This includes collaboration with other departmental managers, including operations managers and human resources managers. This collaboration ensures a facility-wide commitment by all employees to ensuring the system’s safety. The operations and HR managers also contribute to establishing a safe and ethical culture by educating the employees on the set standards of quality, safety, and ethical practices. Therefore, all levels of administration have a role in reducing risks related to the operations of the facility.

How the Organization’s Risk Management and Compliance Programs Support Ethical Standards, Patient Consent, and Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Compliance with healthcare security strategies and data security regulations by healthcare organizations shows the ability of the organization to harness information technology resources, the organization’s functional capacity, and managerial capabilities. Adopting risk management and compliance programs helps health organizations achieve accreditation. Accreditation is viewed as an internationally recognized tool that facilitates healthcare organizations to improve decision-making and the quality and safety of practices with notable patient outcomes (Al-Alawy et al., 2021).

My hospital’s risk management and compliance programs have been developed and implemented based on the guidelines of approved MIPAA accreditation organizations. The programs ensure that the employees observe the set practice standards when delivering care and interacting with the patients. The risk management and compliance prog

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