select a topic related to health and formulate a research question related to that topic. They will then need to develop and use a search strategy aimed at sourcing relevant, peer reviewed journal articles.

select a topic related to health and formulate a research question related to that topic. They will then need to develop and use a search strategy aimed at sourcing relevant, peer reviewed journal articles.

I accessed the PubMed Journals database using my personal computer. I was primarily searching for articles outlining the impact of physical activity on mental health outcomes in adults. My search strategy was tailored to maximize search accuracy in getting the most relevant journal articles. When keying in the keywords, I used the Boolean operator AND to combine physical activity and mental health outcomes as a fundamental subject search to acquire articles targeting the research question. I opted for adult sub-population, locked-on Table of Content, and Free full text filters. In addition, I set the publication date filter to January 2017 and January 2023 to get the most recent PubMed Journals articles. The search retrieved 989 articles.

I further refined my search by selecting Research Article and Review filters on the TPFilters sidebar to obtain precise peer-reviewed articles. In addition, I opted for English to Spanish and French language options on Language filter. Next, I selected the image filter and locked the date filters. These modifications yielded 72 articles by refining the search. The search strategy was effective in obtaining various relevant articles concerning my research question and the topic on physical activity and mental health. An article by Revuelta-Eugercios et al. (2021) established that moderate-to-high physical activity reduces depressive manifestations, improves emotional functioning, and remains inversely related to social functioning. The scoping review found a reciprocal relationship between anxiety/depression and physical health. Healthcare practitioners need to assess patients unremittingly and treat them simultaneously to improve their outcomes.



Revuelta-Eugercios, B. L., De Almeida, M. Ferreira, J. A., Mafalda, E., Gonçalves, C., Puffar, J., Negreiros, J. Z., Terreri, M. T., Malleson, P., Shirion, A., Tenbrock, K., Bensaci-Tang, N., Torok, D., Brik, V., Hashmueli, S., Torres, S., Baba, N., Dapunt, O., Keller, M., Schneider, R., & Baildam, E. (2021). Can mental health affect physical health in paediatric rheumatology? a scoping review on anxiety and depression association to patients’ physical activity.

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