Should Abortion Be Banned?

Should Abortion Be Banned?



Abortion is a highly argumentative matter that has brought about discussions among political arenas, cultures, and societies. The question of whether abortion should be banned tends to be hard to answer in consideration of religion, ethics, and social-political at large. This essay brings about an argument in favor of banning abortion. It goes ahead highlighting the protection of embryonic rights and the possible threats, both physical and psychological, risks to females.

Protecting Fetal Rights

One main reason to support the abortion ban is the right and ethical responsibility to protect embryonic rights. From the moment of commencement, a human life begins to grow. Supporters of abortion argue that even the unborn have the right to life, and abortion cuts off this central right. The molarity of a society is measured by how it safeguards and values the rights of the most helpless people in the community, including the unborn (Huq et al., 2017).

Additionally, scientific developments of the embryo in the human body indicate the early stages of embryonic growth, challenging the thought that a fetus is just a simple clump of cells. Today’s technology helps us to detect the heartbeat and movement in the woman’s womb at primary gestational stages, giving us a clear view of the presence of life. Abortion banning brings into line the opinion of the right to life protection despite their progressive stage (Huq et al., 2017).

Mitigating Risk to Women

The second primary point advocating the ban on abortion goes around the possible risks subjected to women’s psychological and physical well-being. Despite supporters of abortion arguing that it is a woman’s choice whether to have an abortion or not, it is better to keep in mind the possible consequences abortion may have on a woman, such as infections and injuries. Scholars argue that abortion, in most cases, may lead to depression and post-traumatic stress conditions. (Huq et al., 2017)

By banning abortion, society can improve the health of women by bringing about alternative measures such as sex education and a high level of support structures supporting expectant women. Instead of resorting to abortion as a priority, addressing the main cause of unplanned pregnancies and providing good health care to expectant women may create a good environment for both women and the probable lives they carry (Oberman, 2022).

A woman’s right to choose

Adversaries of the abortion ban argue passionately in favor of a woman’s right to choose. They proceed to argue that a woman should have full control of her body and that she has all the right to choose about her multiplicative health. More so, they argue that unwanted pregnancies may affect a woman’s education, career, and general quality of life(Ajmal & Akinbinu, 2020).

Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

While identifying the importance of women’s sovereignty, balancing societal responsibilities and individual rights is good. The ban on abortion does not bring down a woman’s right to make decisions and choices about herself but emphasizes the societal duty to protect the rights of the unborn. Encouraging sex education, upgraded support systems, and affordable contraceptives for women address the main cause of unplanned pregnancies, bringing about a society that empowers women without leading to abortion (Oberman, 2022).


In conclusion, the argument surrounding the banning of abortion is complex, stirring up moral, ethical, and health considerations. Protecting the rights of the unborn and considering the possible risks to women brings about a convincing reason to ban abortion. More so, the counterargument on undermining women’s rights cannot be left outside. Bringing about the balance between societal duties and individual independence is authoritative, and an improved approach that addresses the difficulties evolving around abortion is essential for expressive growth.


Ajmal, M., & Akinbinu, R. (2020). Elective Abortion. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Huq, M. E., Raihan, M. J., Shirin, H., Chowdhury, S., Jahan, Y., Chowdhury, A. S., & Rahman, M. M. (2017). Why Abortion is Illegal? Comparison of Legal and Illegal Abortion: A Critical Review. Mymensingh Medical Journal: MMJ26(4), 944–952.

Oberman, M. (2022). What will and won’t happen when abortion is banned. Journal of Law and the Biosciences9

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