Since you have been in the NP program discuss a procedure (not previously discussed) that you were able to observe and/or perform. Is there a particular skill that you want to complete during this clinical rotation? Citation and reference required. Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references

Since you have been in the NP program discuss a procedure (not previously discussed) that you were able to observe and/or perform. Is there a particular skill that you want to complete during this clinical rotation? Citation and reference required. Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references

Clinical Experiences-PAP Smear and Sexually Transmitted Infection Test

One of the procedures I was able to perform was a PAP smear test. A PAP smear test detects precancerous and cancerous cells in the cervix. It is recommended that the test be performed in women aged 21 years every three years up to the age of 65 (Liang et al., 2021). Alternatively, the test can be done every five years together with Human Papillomavirus testing (HPV). Screening can be stopped at the age of 65 if there are no previous positive screenings. The procedure is best performed when a woman is not on her menses. Furthermore, she should avoid sexual intercourse, douching, vaginal contraceptives, and sexual intercourse two days before the procedure. However, vaginal bleeding due to a disease process is not a contraindication to getting a PAP smear test.

If the patient is fit for screening, she is placed on an examination table in the dorsal lithotomy position. A plastic or metal Cusco’s self-retaining bivalve speculum is then introduced into the vagina by the examiner. The speculum should be lubricated to avoid injuring the patient. Once the cervix is fully visible, cells are sampled from the transformation zone. The transformation zone is the junction of glandular and squamous epithelium in the cervix. A cervical brush is used to collect samples from the cervix. It is gently rotated to make a full circle around the cervix at the transformation zone. The rotation should be done five times to collect an adequate sample. Collected samples are then placed in a sample bottle with liquid that preserves the specimen. The specimen is then sent to a laboratory for pathology analysis.

There are other skills that I want to learn before I complete my rotation. I want to learn how to suture, different types of sutures, and suture techniques. I would also like to know how to intubate patients. X-ray and ultrasound interpretation are other skills that I would like to add to my skill set. I am positive that all these skills will contribute positively to my nursing practice.


Liang, L. A., Einzmann, T., Franzen, A., Schwarzer, K., Schauberger, G., Schriefer, D., & Klug, S. J. (2021). Cervical Cancer Screening: Comparison of Conventional Pap Smear Test, Liquid-Based Cytology, and Human Papillomavirus Testing as Stand-alone or Contesting StrategiesComparing Cervical Cancer Screening Strategies. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 30(3), 474-484.



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