Sources of Evidence that Could be Potentially Effective in Answering a PICO(T) Question

Sources of Evidence that Could be Potentially Effective in Answering a PICO(T) Question


Sources of evidence that can effectively answer this question include journal articles that detail the effectiveness of collaborative paradigms and care coordination approaches in patients with chronic disorders under home-based care. Journal articles on the coordination and continuum of care for diabetic patients transitioning to home-based approaches and those on the effectiveness of care coordination approaches in managing long-term complications of diabetes may as well be useful.

The article “Team-Based Care to Improve Diabetes Management: A Community Guide Meta-analysis” by Levengood et al. (2019) outlines team approaches in diabetic management. This article is potentially effective in answering the PICOT question outlined above as it details an intervention that can help reduce diabetic complications. It assesses the effectiveness of team-based care in chronicity and concludes that it lays the groundwork for comprehensive diabetes management and is vital in reducing the likelihood of long-term diabetic complications (Levengood et al., 2019). This article could thus potentially be used to address the PICOT question.

Another article that could potentially be used to answer the PICOT question is “Interprofessional Collaboration and Diabetes Management in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes” by Nurchis et al. (2022). This article evaluates the impacts of interprofessional collaborations in comprehensive diabetes management through patient-reported outcomes. This article addresses the interventions and outcomes sections of the PICOT questions. Findings from the article reveal that inter-professional collaboration interventions positively impacted several aspects of diabetic care, including lowering the likelihood of diabetic complications and enhancing patient satisfaction with the care process (Nurchis et al., 2022). This article thus maintains utility in answering the PICOT question outlined.

The potential of the articles outlined above to answer the PICOT question was determined using the Ask, Access, Appraise, Apply, Audit (5As) model. In this criteria, a source or an article that addresses a component of the PICOT question is accessed via various web search tools and databases before being critiqued or appraised for its ability to answer the question effectively. The information in these sources is then applied to answer the question. Articles or sources that meet this criterion are chosen

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