State Board Nursing Practice Standards, Organizational or Governmental Policies

State Board Nursing Practice Standards, Organizational or Governmental Policies


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is an example of a government policy that impacts the use of healthcare technology. The Act creates standards that aim to protect personal health information conveyed electronically (Edemekong et al., 2022). All covered entities are required to uphold the privacy and confidentiality of patients’ data. Access should be permitted to authorized personnel only. A breach of the provisions of this Act can attract both criminal and civil penalties (Edemekong et al., 2022). This Act will guide my actions when dealing with AD patients. I will uphold their privacy and confidentiality. Also, I will ensure that their personal health information is secure and protected from unauthorized users.

The American Nurses Association’s standards of practice impact care coordination. It advocates for the incorporation of the nursing process in patient care (, n.d.). Notably, during the implementation phase, the American Nurses Association (ANA) champions the coordination of care and health promotion (, n.d.). To accomplish this, tasks should be delegated appropriately. Furthermore, nurses should uphold accountability when executing their unique roles. Also, ANA advocates for collaboration, evidence-based practices, and open communication (, n.d.). Collaboration promotes care coordination by involving other nurses and members of the interdisciplinary team in patient care. This facilitates the implementation of various evidence-based strategies by members of the interdisciplinary team. ANA’s provisions will guide my practice. For instance, I will use the nursing process to achieve patient-centeredness. Furthermore, I will collaborate with my colleagues and other healthcare providers to provide quality healthcare services.

As earlier stated, the Alzheimer’s Association offers various programs that benefit the community. Its local resources comprise in-person support groups and educational sessions (, n.d.). Support groups allow AD patients and families to interact with each other (, n.d.). By so doing, their social lives are improved. Educational sessions enlighten patients and their families about AD and how to cope with the disease (, n.d.). This information will form the basis of providing individualized patient education.

Nursing ethics will guide my practice when dealing with patients with AD. Firstly, nurses should embrace justice when caring for patients. Justice will enable me to treat all patients fairly regardless of our differences in opinions or their sociodemographic backgrounds (Varkey, 2021). Secondly, nurses should recognize that patients and family members are autonomous stakeholders. As such, they should be allowed to make decisions that influence their treatment (Varkey, 2021). Autonomy will enable me to involve patients and their families in the treatment process. Thirdly, nurses should uphold beneficence and non-maleficence by engaging in practices that benefit patients and not engaging in activities that harm patients, respectively (Varkey, 2021). I will uphold beneficence and non-maleficence by formulating and implementing holistic care plans.

Part 2

I interacted with a seventy-four-year-old Hispanic American with AD. According to her family (spouse and two children), the patient was diagnosed with AD five years ago. They report that she has struggled with medication adherence for the past five years. Currently, she presents with muscle twitches, confusion, and vocalization of repetitive statements. Additional evaluation reveals that the patient experiences difficulty recognizing her children. The patient’s spouse reports that the patient has demonstrated anterograde amnesia over the past two months. Her thought process and impulse control are preserved. As such, the patient is likely to have moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

I spent five hours with the patient and her family. During our interaction, I learned that the patient and her family have low digital literacy. According to them, they have never used any form of healthcare technology. I educated them on the importance of healthcare technology. At the end of our interaction, they agreed to embrace telehealth technology, such as message reminders offered by mobile health. I sought my evidence from organizational websites and online databases. Notably, I used PubMed and Google Scholar. During my research, I learned that low digital literacy impacts the use of technology. This can be addressed by patient and family education. Technology will enable healthcare providers to manage AD adequately and reduce healthcare costs caused by AD-associated hospitalizations.

References (n.d.). Programs and Support.

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