Step 1: Read Chapter 9 of the attached Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report, titled “Nurses Leading Change.” The chapter highlights the important role that nurses should play in leading health system changes to improve health across the U.S., including efforts to address inequities in the underserved. Step 2: Post a response to the discussion board. In your post, respond to the following question and, if appropriate, include a personal experience as part of your answer: How do you see this key message applying to your daily practice as a nurse? Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Step 1: Read Chapter 9 of the attached Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report, titled “Nurses Leading Change.” The chapter highlights the important role that nurses should play in leading health system changes to improve health across the U.S., including efforts to address inequities in the underserved. Step 2: Post a response to the discussion board. In your post, respond to the following question and, if appropriate, include a personal experience as part of your answer: How do you see this key message applying to your daily practice as a nurse? Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030

The important message from Chapter 9 of the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 study, emphasizing nurses’ critical role in leading change to enhance health and reduce health disparities, is extremely relevant to my daily practice as a nurse. As a healthcare worker on the front lines of patient care, I constantly encounter the impact of social determinants of health on individuals and communities. This chapter emphasizes the significance of nurses taking on leadership roles not only in clinical settings but also in community engagement, policy formulation, and health equity advocacy.

In my everyday practice, I frequently see patients facing social and economic issues that negatively impact their health results. It is critical that I understand the social determinants of health, and I am mindful of any unconscious biases that may influence my decisions. I am obligated to advocate for my patients, work as part of a cohesive healthcare team, and constantly improve my abilities to better address these gaps and contribute to improved health equity.

Furthermore, the chapter’s emphasis on fostering an equitable culture within the nursing profession speaks to me. Nurses must set a good example, challenge harmful cultural norms, and promote inclusivity and cultural competency. Creating a safe atmosphere for addressing inequities and working toward health equity requires trust, open communication, and mutual respect (Richardson et al., 2022). This chapter emphasizes that leadership and change are not limited to the highest levels of healthcare organizations but can and should be found in every nursing function. It motivates me to make aggressive efforts in my everyday nursing practice to lead change and advocate for health justice. Incorporating these leadership abilities and cultivating an equitable culture among healthcare workers can enable me, as a nurse, play a critical role in promoting good change and addressing health inequities in my everyday patient care and community contacts.


Richardson, S., Lawrence, K., Schoenthaler, A. M., & Mann, D. (2022). A framework for digital health equity. Npj Digital Medicine5(1).


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