Study Questions Describe Arab Americans with respect to religion, education, occupation, income, and English-language skills. Compare the Said family with Arab Americans as a group.

Study Questions Describe Arab Americans with respect to religion, education, occupation, income, and English-language skills. Compare the Said family with Arab Americans as a group.

Study Questions

  1. Describe Arab Americans with respect to religion, education, occupation, income, and English-language skills. Compare the Said family with Arab Americans as a group.
  2. Assess the Said family’s risk for experiencing a stressful immigration related to their isolated lifestyle.
  3. Describe the steps you would take to develop rapport with Mrs. Ayesha and her family during your initial encounter. Include nonverbal behavior and social etiquette as well as statements or questions that might block
  4. Identify interventions that you would employ to accommodate Mrs. Ayesha’s “shyness” and
  5. You notice that, although Mrs. Ayesha is alert, her husband and sometimes her mother-in-law reply to your questions. Interpret this behavior within a cultural context.
  6. Although Mrs. Ayesha is normothermic and states her pain is “little,” Mr. Ahmed insists that his wife be covered with several additional blankets and receive an injection for pain. When you attempt to reassure him of his wife’s satisfactory recovery, noting as evidence of her stable condition that you plan to “get her up” that evening, he demands to see the physician. Interpret his behavior within a cultural
  7. Discuss Arab food preferences as well as the dietary restrictions of practicing Muslims. If you filled out Mrs. Ayesha’s menu, what would you order?
  8. When you give Mrs. Ayesha and her family members discharge instructions, what teaching methods would be most effective? What content regarding recovery from a mastectomy might most Arab Americans consider “too personal”?
  9. Identify typical coping strategies of Arabs. What could you do to facilitate Ayesha’s use of these strategies?
  1. Discuss predestination as it influences the Arab American’s responses to death and bereavement.
  2. Discuss Islamic rulings regarding the following health matters: contraception, abortion, infertility treatment, autopsy, and organ donation and
  3. Describe the Arab American’s culturally based role expectations for nurses and physicians. In what ways do the role responsibilities of Arab and American nurses differ?
  4. What illnesses or conditions are Arab Americans unlikely to disclose because of Islamic prohibitions or an attached stigma?
  5. Compile a health profile (strengths versus challenges) of Arab Americans by comparing beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices favoring health and those negatively influencing health.

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