Subject: Meeting Announcement for New Innovative Technology “Wearable/Remote Monitoring Devices”

Subject: Meeting Announcement for New Innovative Technology “Wearable/Remote Monitoring Devices”


Hello everyone! I hope this announcement finds you in the best of health. This announcement is generated with the aim of informing you that there is going to be an ‘all-mandatory meeting’ at stakeholder meetings on Friday at 2:30 pm. post-lunch break. The agenda of the meeting is to discuss the implementation and association of the new telehealth technology with practice. This new technology is called wearables or remote monitoring devices, and the aim is to enhance the patient’s engagement in their own treatment while encouraging them to monitor their vitals accordingly.

The venue for the meeting is boardroom A2 on the second floor. This meeting is mandatory for all the heads and department directions; thus, the CEO, CFO, all the directors and heads, and official representatives of the IT, security, education, research, budgeting, and nursing chiefs are requested to attend the meeting. It is also requested that you inform us of your availability, and in case of unavailability, please assign your replacement beforehand so that all the departments are in the loop. In the meantime, please go through the agenda and layout of the meeting and develop your own line of questions regarding the technology. Please confirm your availability or replacements promptly. I would appreciate your kind presence and timely response. For any queries, please feel free to contact


Thank you.

Agenda of the meeting

The agenda of the meeting is associated with the advancement of telehealth technology. The technology suggested is wearable and remote monitoring devices. The objectives of the meetings are:

  1. Discussion on the technology advancement needed and how much it will improve patient engagement and care
  2. Criteria for the advancement and utilization of the devices.
  3. Ways to measure the efficacy and outcomes of the technology
  4. Safety and security concerns and ways to manage them
  5. Implementation timeline and ways to encourage the use
  6. Feedback and annual upgrades.

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