Symbiotic Relationship Between Music and Advertising: The Melodic Influence History of Music

Symbiotic Relationship Between Music and Advertising: The Melodic Influence History of Music


From the past to now, music has played a very important part in our everyday life. There are two types of music: traditional music and modern music. Every country has its own culture. The cultural scene of each country plays an important part in the traditional music of that particular country. Meanwhile, modern music is what people often hear nowadays, such as pop, rock, and jazz music. The era of music started with the Medieval and then continued with the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Early Romantic, and Romantic eras, and finally, the 20th Century Great War Years.

Moreover, moving back to the past history of music, its emergence could represent language and also written words. The development of music started with natural background sounds, such as the sound of ocean waves, the singing of birds, and so forth. This music period ended with the emergence of writing. Listening to music helps people to de-stress and escape from the bustling reality because music acts as entertainment. For example, listening to soothing music will make a person feel peaceful. Music does not only help to release stress, but it also plays an important role in movies. Music helps to highlight all the important scenes and necessary moments of a movie. It will also affect the mood of the audience and create a sense of anticipation.

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Symbiotic Relationship Between Music and Advertising: The Melodic Influence

History of advertisement

In the past history, advertising was mainly published in printed form, such as newspapers, magazines, and so on. These forms of advertisement will only show words and information. In contrast, music advertising has emerged in recent years in such a way that it is modernized and present in the form of electronic. For example, application advertisements, cinema advertisements, radio advertisements, and others.

In recent music, advertising has been defined as the use of background music with or without lyrics, and therefore, it can act as a tool to affect someone’s mood and emotions. The use of background music in advertising not only influences the mood of people but also allows them to express their current emotional states. In the aspect of business, music advertising is crucial as it can produce a more attractive product advertisement and be able to target more market consumers to purchase their particular product.

Ever since electronic media have evolved, music has started to play an important role in advertising. In the past, advertisements only appeared in newspapers and other printed media, which were not accompanied by music. This also shows that advertising with music used in media like radio advertisements, television advertisements, cinema advertisements, and such has increased the effectiveness of the message being portrayed to the public.

Body paragraph

First of all, most people are more inclined to listen to TV than watch TV. They will only look at the screen when they hear something that is interesting and catchy. In addition, music sets the tone for the images. Music is an emotional connection, and the most important thing is that it represents an instinctive reaction. Even without a direct dialogue, we can emotionally combine the experience of the audience with our creativity. Every advertisement is an emotional creation.

Besides that, the music that plays in the advertisement will affect the way viewers perceive the brand in different ways and at different levels. A good advertisement can attract more people to watch it. For example, some company put their advertisement on famous platforms like YouTube and Facebook, and if the advertisement selects the right music based on the content of the advertisement, people will tend to watch the whole video without skipping it.

Music that is appropriately included in an advertisement not only helps to attract a bigger audience but it will also helps to make a long-lasting impression so that the audience will remember it forever and associate with that brand. According to the message or product being advertised, the music used can help to bring out a psychological message to either prompt users to feel a certain way or to be more interested in the product being advertised. As a result, the advertisement with background music would be able to capture a larger amount of audience and expand its reach and message.

In addition, incorporating music into an advertisement helps to construct an emotional connection between audiences and the brand. This is due to the fact that music has a psychological effect on the way we humans process information and think. Moreover, including music in an advertisement can help sync rhythm and beat with the advertisement itself, creating a much more captivating experience for audiences. For instance, someone who

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