The Academic Gap Within the School Systems Due to COVID-19: Annotated Bibliography

The Academic Gap Within the School Systems Due to COVID-19: Annotated Bibliography


Bailey, D. H., Duncan, G. J., Murnane, R. J., & Au Yeung, N. (2021). Achievement Gaps in the Wake of COVID-19. Educational Researcher, 50(5), 266-275.

The study explains how much academic disparities between high- and low-income students in US primary schools will narrow as a consequence of disruptions to classroom learning and home life caused by COVID. Although projections varied, respondents demonstrated an overwhelming agreement that gaps will widen.

Poletti, M. (2020). Hey teachers! Do not leave them kids alone! Envisioning schools during and after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Trends in neuroscience and education, 20, 100140.

The article explains how schools can overcome the barrier of isolation to bridge the gap created by their closure due to COVID-19. Educational systems should devise strategies for closing the increasing achievement gap once the epidemic is finished or under control and school is permitted to resume.

Naqvi, W. M., & Sahu, A. (2020). Paradigmatic Shift in the Education System in a Time of COVID 19. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 9(27), 1974-1976.—-SHORT_20C-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1645418435&Signature=BCAc0SHePRwy-rQUEq0lMsfetxIVzOrdK96bRtAWEjtCRtOI5lzWY4JsALR5W0SKdmu9y6el3uiLbIupHxwda0QtaAHeedo7BmfVavD4AdF0vXPqaMTxDrQ0CDMZ3Ca0xGXE21hFHaScf08YnjUG1Mu4wW0WEEWZA5Qj6bgJ2SpmNfrlIG0J2UXOe7mDwWCa-grWEMxHE2Tmnv7quPmSyUBjwD8gExiDf3pnXJEfXSWT77R1EdGcfFkfj7ImDxshJ0y6kg-gw5yFBzKuR~7DP-mMTt5zsFT6PsH2BhTpcefAhVXOgHAc7vMtNeOZndp1tbtgFaWu79ReAFQ7dloSBA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4Z

The study explains the Educational System’s Paradigmatic Shift in the COVID Era. The global shutdown of educational institutions has hampered learning and growth. Unprepared parents for remote learning and homeschooling may lead to missed opportunities, childcare shortages, uneven access to digital education portals, increasing strain on education institutions that stay open, and a spike in dropout and social isolation.

Kuhfeld, M., Soland, J., Tarasawa, B., Johnson, A., Ruzek, E., & Liu, J. (2020). Projecting the potential impact of COVID-19 school closures on academic achievement. Educational Researcher, 49(8), 549-565.

Based on absenteeism literature estimates and analysis of summer learning patterns for 5 million children, Kuhfeld et al made a series of forecasts of COVID-19-related education loss in this research. The researchers predict how the COVID-19 closings might exacerbate achievement gaps by education Income and highlight why impacts on racial/ethnic inequalities are particularly challenging to forecast given the known disparities in access to distant learning by school poverty level.

Parolin, Z., & Lee, E. K. (2021). Large socio-economic, geographic and demographic disparities exist in exposure to school closures. Nature human behaviour, 5(4), 522-528.

The study explains the disparities in geographic, socio-economic, and demographic personal features of students enrolled in remote education programs. If the number of in-person visits to a school falls by half year over year in a particular month, the researchers classify it as “closed” or “largely closed.” Here, in the Methods section, we go through the dataset and see whether it is accurate.

Kuhfeld, M., Soland, J., Tarasawa, B., Johnson, A., Ruzek, E., & Liu, J. (2020). Projecting the Potential Impacts of COVID-19 School Closures on Academic Achievement. EdWorkingPaper No. 20-226. Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.

The article explains how school closures in COVID-19 could affect students’ academic performance. Educators and parents are hurrying to address the needs of families and schools affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, including preparing how to effectively approach teaching in the autumn when pupils may be so far behind than usual. Educators lack evidence on how school closures affect student learning. Delays in school might influence estimations of possible learning loss owing to the pandemic.

Rutherford, T., Duck, K., Rosenberg, J. M., & Patt, R. (2021). Leveraging mathematics software data to understand student learning and motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-38.

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