The Assignment (2-3 pages): Personal Leadership Philosophies Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: A description of your core values. A personal mission and vision statement.

The Assignment (2-3 pages): Personal Leadership Philosophies Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: A description of your core values. A personal mission and vision statement.

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Effective leadership is central to organizational success. Vidman & Strömberg (2020) assert that the impact of leadership on the work environment depends on who the leaders are, their values, and their leadership approach toward change management and interaction with employees. The significance of nurse leadership in care organizations inspires aspiring nurse leaders to equip themselves with best practices in health care leaders and the strategies for acquiring and maintaining leadership skills that produce positive changes in care organizations.

A leadership philosophy is a belief system that guides a leader’s decision-making. It encompasses individual values, perspectives on various aspects of organizational operationalization, and core principles. Leadership behaviors are one of the determining factors for organizational success. Sonmez Cakir & Adiguzel (2020) report that good leaders possess a greater sense of self-awareness, are consistent, are humble, have good interpersonal skills, are honest with their subjects, are hardworking, and accountable to their purpose. Guzmán et al. (2020) also reinforce the significance of leadership in an organization’s operational framework and highlight qualities that excellent leaders possess. Excellent leaders in this respect are good communicators, transparent in their leadership roles and mandate, and respectful. As an aspiring nurse leader, my leadership philosophy is the belief that every organization member plays a vital role in the organization’s progression and maintains accountability in their specific roles.

In my pursuit to become an exemplary leader, I have learned to identify and define beliefs and priorities that drive my choices and behavior. My core values are integrity, honesty, respect, openness, accountability, and hard work. These values have shaped my interactions and guided my decision-making processes in the face of competing interests. This is in alignment with the provisions of von Eiff et al. (2021) that detail the significance of integrity, honesty, and transparency in fostering horizontal communications between leaders and their subjects.

My mission is to inspire organizational subjects to maintain accountability for their roles to maximize their efforts toward quality care provision. I envision a caring environment where all caregivers are accountable and work collaboratively to ensure the welfare of their patients. This vision is in concert with value-based leadership approaches that promote patient-centeredness. Leadership in this regard remains the success factor that shapes the organizational structure and ensures its conformation to value-based healthcare.

Clifton’s Strengths assessment finds utility in identifying strengths that make top performers stand out. Responsibility, developer, input, learner, and relator were some of the thematic areas identified by this assessment as my strengths. These strengths summarize my overall responsibility and commitment to helping other organizational members achieve their goals. I may want to strengthen specific behaviors to advance my leadership roles, including my interpersonal relations skills and communication ability. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve and the diversification of the healthcare workforce becomes apparent, there is a growing need for nurse leaders to have vast communication and interpersonal relations skills. This will enable them to form stronger and healthier relationships between themselves, their subjects, and their patients.

To be a better communicator, I intend to continue learning best practices in communication through training programs on communication. In this regard, I am willing to enroll in various educational programs on communication best practices. I also intend to bolster my interpersonal relations skills by practicing active listening, acknowledging other people’s expertise and perspectives, and learning to control my emotions. To achieve my vision, I intend to learn best practices in communication to enable me to work with my colleagues and subjects to foster collaborative approaches that ensure optimized care provision.


Guzmán, V. E., Muschard, B., Gerolamo, M., Kohl, H., & Rozenfeld, H. (2020). Characteristics and skills of leadership in the context of Industry 4.0. Procedia Manufacturing43, 543–550.


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