The Impact of Robots and Machines on Employment in the 21st Century

The Impact of Robots and Machines on Employment in the 21st Century



    The 21st Century is marked by an unprecedented surge in technological innovation, with robots and machines at the forefront of this transformative wave (Kolade & Owoseni, 2022; Nabila et al., 2021). While these advancements hold the promise of revolutionizing industries, they also cast a shadow of uncertainty over the future of employment. Further, this revolution necessitates educating more people on current technologies to increase productivity in various industries like the textile industry. As robots and machines become increasingly integrated into various sectors, examining the consequences and stakeholders involved in this transformation is imperative. This essay explores this complex matter, shedding light on the various sides of this issue, the diverse groups it impacts, and the contrasting perspectives that shape the discourse.

    Automation and Job Displacement

    Automation and development of machines pose a risk of losing many jobs heavily dependent on human resources. However, they are now done by machines and robots to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. The industries affected by the technological advancements include manufacturing, finance, agriculture, logistics and warehousing, construction, hospitality, and textiles. Factories and production facilities have increasingly adopted robotic automation for welding, painting, assembly, and quality control (Anzolin, 2021; Jassem & Razzak, 2021; Mehta & Awasthi, 2019). Textile manufacturing has also incorporated automation for weaving, dyeing, and quality control tasks.

    Further, the financial sector has witnessed the rise of algorithmic trading and robot advisors, which can perform tasks traditionally handled by human stockbrokers and financial advisors. E-commerce giants like Amazon have introduced automated warehouses and robotic order pickers in logistics and warehousing to streamline the order fulfillment process (Yin et al., 2023). In the mining industry, autonomous vehicles and drilling equipment are increasingly used for exploration and extraction. Moreover, agriculture has significantly shifted towards automation using autonomous tractors, drones, and robotic harvesters (Visser & Obi, 2021). All these technologies have increased efficiency and cut costs, leading to the loss of jobs heavily dependent on human labor.

    The issue of automation and job displacement extends beyond national borders, affecting countries across the globe (Chamie, 2020). The groups affected are the blue-collar workforce, labor unions, policymakers, and employers (Da Roit & Iannuzzi, 2023; Squicciarini & Staccioli, 2022). Automation and using machines have led to job losses for workers, leading to economic hardship and dislocation in communities that relied on the affected industries as their lifeblood. Further, labor unions are deeply concerned about the implications of automation. They see robots and machines as a direct threat to the livelihoods of their members and advocate for measures to safeguard workers’ rights and job security in the face of increasing automation.

    Moreover, policymakers are obligated to balance encouraging innovation and protecting the welfare of their constituents. Questions about the minimum wage, job retraining programs, and the role of government in regulating automation become central to this case. While the impact of automation on employment is a contentious issue, it is essential to recognize that the concerns of those facing job displacement are valid.

    Increased Efficiency and Economic Growth

    Automation’s positive impact has led to increased efficiency and economic growth (Aghion et al., 2020). Robots and machines have been instrumental in driving productivity gains across various industries, and this has led technology companies to be at the forefront of developing and promoting automation solutions because these technologies enable businesses to optimize operations, reduce operational costs, and deliver products and services more efficiently. Companies adopting automation can produce more goods or provide more services in less time, thus expanding their output. This expanded production, in turn, can stimulate economic activity by creating demand for raw materials and transportation services. Moreover, automation can enhance the quality and consistency of products and services (Derossi et al., 2023). For instance, robots in manufacturing can ensure precision and uniformity in the production process, leading to higher-quality products. Further, reduced cost of production can lead to reduced costs of products and services, making them more affordable to consumers, who can then use the money they could have used to purchase these products to run other economic fields. Therefore, technological advancement is central to economic growth and effi

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