The New York Map: A Syndicate Evaluated Crime Network in New York City

The New York Map: A Syndicate Evaluated Crime Network in New York City




A map is an actual representation in a diagram of an area of land with a detailed illustration of key features, cities, roads, and other physical elements. Also, the map entails symbolic projection and depiction of actual elements in the ground while maintaining actual spaces between objects. A map signifies exact distances, spaces that exist between the objected representation of the ground. The usage of maps has increased from directional purposes to representative roles of vital phenomena informing of a population characteristic. This paper will largely focus on representing the New York map to show a syndicate-evaluated crime network in New York City.


Additionally, the maps will play an instrumental role in indicating neurons springing’s of New York. It will also cover an analysis of the population both within the city and externally. Particularly, the crime rate within the represented section of the maps forms the basis of the analyses.

New York and Crime

As a crime city, New York City has been characterized by evolving population throughout its historical development, which takes the form of the globalist. For instance, the emergence of settlement resultant in eruptions of business and similar disruptions from the crime world. The spike in crime rate within New York City has been traced back to about 1980 and early 1990s. This was the period that the city experienced its works regarding crime. For instance, increased criminal actions resulted in several losses of properties and a spike in death rates. The emergence of gangs and gang-related organizations highly characterized this period—New York, the city with an average of 20 million individuals. The city experienced a rapid increment of toll related to criminal death due to police engagement. Prevention programs to curb the criminal offenses resulted in mapping the city based on the crime. In relation to other determinants of policy, the NYPD played an instrumental role in providing data for the mapping respectively. As a result, a well-validated map was postulated as represented above to map out the key regions which encountered works cases of crimes in New York.

Arguably, the maps were developed to connect the various police department units within New York City. For instance, NYPD, SWAT, and DEA formed the largest portion of the mapping of the crimes within New York. The actions of the key police department with the help of other branches of the police highly enhanced the capability of efficient representation of the city’s crime geographically.

The map was made through that location provision that resulted from various police departments regarding crimes. For instance, numerous police departments availed their locational data regarding the crime, and the data were combined and well represented with the help of mapping tools. further analytical tools were utilized to evaluate the intensity and degree of varying representation of crime relayed data

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The New York crime map was developed to analyze and represent key crime spots statistically supported by investigations to facilitate prevention mechanisms. The map will benefit the police force while planning and allocating their teams into the region. Also, the map will facilitate the DEA’s syndicate operation by establishing control points and vintage points to earmark their operations regarding drug-related crimes (Timothy, 2020). Furthermore, the map will enhance the capability of both SWAT and NYPD to thwart and prevent instances of crime by providing enforcement to regions highly susceptible to criminal instances.

Additionally, the map will highly benefit the entire civilian due to crime reduction. Such will restore sanity in New York City and mainstream safe operations across the city’s key towns. In short, the reliability of the crime map mainly forms the correctional basis of the crimes (Sutherland et al., 2021). Truthful representation of actual crime-related inferences highly ignites the police actions to curb the crime. Such a map is instrumental as it results in the decline of crime-related activities.

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