The Role of Self-Awareness in Effective Leadership- Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for Better Management

The Role of Self-Awareness in Effective Leadership- Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for Better Management

The Role of Self-Awareness in Effective Leadership- Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for Better Management

The level of a leader’s emotional intelligence determines the effectiveness of their leadership. Emotional intelligence in leadership is important as it determines the attitudes, modes, motivation, and direction of relationships within an organization. Leaders are tasked with the role of effecting necessary changes and administrative duties within the organizations they serve. Emotional intelligence enables leaders to identify and understand possible emotional reactions to certain changes and organizational goals (Jiménez, 2018). A leader equipped with high emotional intelligence will understand why a change or a certain goal attracts certain reactions and whether or not they will gain the support needed. Through such an understanding, emotionally intelligent leaders will know how to best plan the change or goal to achieve full employee support. Therefore, emotional intelligence in leadership is a prerequisite for a successful change process, achievement of organizational goals, and overall organizational success (Jiménez, 2018).

Emotionally intelligent leaders are self-aware. Self-awareness comes as a result of an introspective analysis of the self. This means leaders with high levels of self-awareness have a better understanding of their weaknesses and strengths (Eurich, 2018). They also have clarity on their emotions and feelings. Self-aware leaders help create effective relationships within the teams they lead. They tend to be humble even when dealing with subordinates and fellow leaders. Since they are aware of who they are, they express themselves with confidence and easily win others to their side. They have a lot of respect for members of the teams they lead and accept criticism regardless of whom it comes from, helping them become better leaders (Eurich, 2018). Self-aware leaders take time to analyze and understand a situation or a problem and are patient when developing a solution for the problem. Conclusively, self-aware leaders recognize relationship dynamics within their organization, making it easier to assemble effective teams (Drigas & Papoutsi, 2019).


Lone, M. A., & Lone, A. H. (2018). Does emotional intelligence predict leadership effectiveness? An exploration in a non-Western context. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management5(1), 28-39.

Drigas, A., & Papoutsi, C. (2019). Emotional Intelligence as an Important Asset for HR in Organizations: Leaders and Employees. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning12(1).

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