The Safety Storage Of Chemical Product: A Case Study Of Private Chemical Companies Of China

The Safety Storage Of Chemical Product: A Case Study Of Private Chemical Companies Of China



With the advent of industrialization, countries faced appealing consequences regarding the safety of labour and later the environment (Need, 2006). Therefore many studies were conducted and strenuous efforts were taken in order to safe guard the issues generated from industrial processes. As Kytle and Ruggie (2005) argues that the safety management is an important aspect of scientific management. In this regard government of each country has fully prescribed the laws of safety; similarly many non-government organisations are also working in order to assure the safety of workforce and the environment.

According to theGuo et al., (2014) the chemical industries in china are the key drivers of the GDP growth, which accounts US$1.2 trillion assuring a compound annual rate of 21%. However, being such a high generating industry the number of accidents are also much high. As He et al., (2014) mentions in its study that in the year 2013 the number of accidents occurred in chemical industries of china were 74. Such a huge number indicates that the companies are not full filling their due responsibilities of safety management. The explosions in Tianjin and Dongying chemical cooperation’s which took hundreds of lifein 2015 raised the question of safety management in the private chemical corporation of china.

Therefore, the following paper will focus on the storage of private companiestowards chemical products. The causes that result in different accidents should be found in order to improve the storage method and means. The main purpose of this project is to study the management of hazardous chemical products in the private chemical companies (Wuhan YangPu company as an example) by the use of management theory (included the transportation, storage, classification and trade, etc.).And because the management in private chemical companies and state-owned chemical enterprises still exist the difference, an effective, safe, and scientific management method for the chemical industry enterprises should be foundthrough the analysis ofits failure cases (accidents) in chemical management process andthe national standards for the chemical productsmanagement.On this basis, the development strategies for a chemical company are found in the future in terms of security.

1.2Current Research in this Area

Foremost we need to focus at the developmental status of this industry in the Chinese economy. In recent years, the developmental status of this industry indicates that highly proficient technology is now available in order to storage and management these chemicals (Cussler and Moggridge 2011). As with the advent of high and advance technology up gradation in this industry accelerated the chemical growth to many folds and thus helped in promotion of this industry. However, the problems existing in chemical industry cannot be ignored as well. For example:

  1. As the scale of most chemical industries (especially private company) is relatively smaller than that of other heavy industries. So, this leads that it is difficult to form a scale in terms of economy. This problem is very largein the chemical industry company. Since its driving force for the industrial economy is relatively weak, its investment would not be particularly highcompared to other heavy industries.The absence of investment and attention isthekey factorto cause the security issues (Newman, 2003)
  2. In the chemical industry, the complicatedproduct varieties result in a very unreasonable structure. The low value-added products with rough machining are more and more, whilethe high-tech and high value-added products with finish machining are less (Guo et al., 2014). Under this condition, it is easy to have some flaws in the management because the managerswill notattach moreimportanceto the low-value chemical products. And these low-value chemical products just are most prone to have security issuesin the storage, which leads to the contradictions in management(Abowd, Kramarz and Moreau, 1995)
  3. The storage equipment in most private chemical enterprisesisobsolete, and their technologies are backward. This is also one of the main reasons of spillage and further leads to any incident.

There are many types of chemical products, some of which are flammable and explosive. Also, some chemical products are easy to produce reaction, and some of them even contain toxic substances. They must be reviewed and approved by public security before they can be sold. However, in order to increase profits, a lot of private companies often overlooked the investment in storage, thus resulting in the generation of a lot of accidents.

In fact, the chemical industry has occupied an important position in the national economy of each country. The development speed and scale of chemical industry has a direct impact on all sectors of social economy, and the wo

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