The Software Implementation Stages Where Detailed Design Specifications Are Likely to Be Implemented

The Software Implementation Stages Where Detailed Design Specifications Are Likely to Be Implemented

Program Development

Implications of Using ZIP Codes on the 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF Rules

The use of different data types and databases is commonplace in program development. Relational databases are data sets with predefined relationships, and a change in one data element can affect other data. The first nominal field (1NF) in relational databases implies that the area can only contain one predefined data type or an atomic value. On the other hand, the second nominal form (2NF) is when the data field follows 1NF rules but has other variables entirely dependent on the primary key. 3NF, the third little form in relational databases, arranges data in a series following the 2NF principle without dependency (Link & Prade, 2019). The relational database containing addresses for each data field implies that the database will use a string for the atomic value, which can be used in the first nominal form for the lesson. The address string can be the primary key to link the other data variables in the second little form (Link & Prade, 2019).


The software development process has several stages, followed systematically to complete and launch the software. The design and development of the relational database happen at the design development stage (Lemke, 2018). The reason is that during the design and development stage of software development, the software developers create the software’s structures and design all elements that the software will use. Preparing the relational database during software development’s design and development stage is also advisable. For this reason, the software structures can be tested with the database to get accurate results during the coding process.

Source Code Control, Development Environment, and Refactoring Tools

Source code control is where any code change can be tracked and managed (Murphy-Hill, 2015). For example, when looking at an IDE, a programmer can view both the original code and the changes made to the original code. A programmer can manually manage code changes or use a source control system (Murphy-Hill, 2015). When choosing an IDE, a programmer should consider how it works the source code.

The development environment is the tool used to create a program. Various IDEs have different capabilities (Kavitha & Sindhu, 2015). Some of the IDE capabilities include code debugging and quick code completion. Types of IDEs include NetBeans, Geany, Aptana, and Eclipse (Kavitha & Sindhu, 2015). A programmer would choose an IDE based on the programming language he will be using and IDE capabilities. For example, NetBeans and Eclipse can handle Java programming languages (Kavitha & Sindhu, 2015). However, NetBeans would not be ideal when creating or editing large projects. For large Java projects, a programmer should use Eclipse.

Refactoring improves internal code quality and maintains the code’s external code while minimizing the possibility of new bugs (Murphy-Hill, 2015). This ensures that code quality is maintained. Refactoring tools can be manual or automatic (Murphy-Hill, 2015). Manual refactoring tools have a high chance of creating bugs. A programmer should, therefore, consider this when choosing a refactoring tool. Some of the refactoring tools include Rider, Visual Studio Intellicode, sonarqube, and Spring Tool Suite 4.

Pros and Cons of Using Development Tools

IDEs are easier to use and less time-consuming (Kavitha & Sindhu, 2015). They provide documentation tools that complement project management. Also, they offer a standard working environment. This includes guidance when more than one programmer is creating a program.

Using IDEs requires skills. Therefore, a programmer must learn to use one before creating a program (Kavitha & Sindhu, 2015). A programmer also requires knowledge of the programming language to create a schedule because he cannot rely on an IDE to fix destructive code. It is challenging for a programmer beginner to use a sophisticated IDE. Most beginners start with simple IDEs that have fewer capabilities.


Kavitha, S., & Sindhu, S. (2015). COMPARISON OF INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (IDE) DEBUGGING TOOLS: ECLIPSE VS NETBEANS. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)2(4), 432-437.


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