The World of Childhood and Media Influence Research Paper

The World of Childhood and Media Influence Research Paper



Personality development is an urgent problem in today’s social context because it not only brings good life opportunities to a person but also determines one’s happiness. How can one understand this term? The definition of personality development as a continual growth of personal qualities or characters creates interesting and attractive developments of personal traits, thus making a person become mentally powerful and, to some extent, generally assertive.

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Looking for a more detailed answer, one would wish to research some philosophical or literal questions, in which personality performance enhances the development. Through the analysis of the youth issues contemplated as multifaceted problems under the performance grouping, this paper addresses the issue of beauty products as portrayed by the media and the effects on the youth’s or children’s growth or performance. It shows how the media influences children and teens to consumerism at a young age.

In the current social setting, the advertisements, television, movies, video games, and other computer technology are all interactive Media, which plays a great influence on most people, especially teenagers and children. The mass media has created a norm in our everyday lives, therefore we perceive the feature as one that we are not able to live without because of how easy and convenient it seems to surround our daily undertakings.

These mass media sells and promotes products or concepts, which seem to target the teens and children in the market primarily. Teens and children encounter these interactive media at a very young age meaning that the media can take control of young minds. The media thus creates favorable attitudes toward brands, which last well into adulthood. Good examples of this kind of exploration are the two popular magazines, Seventeen and New Moon, targeted for the teenage girls. However, these two magazines have many things that are similar but equally different in many ways. Both of these publications discuss the present things that girls face in the current social setting.

The magazines create great concerns on the establishment of recent media regarding children’s lives, and the settings can, therefore, change self-identity at a very young age. In Chapter ten of Growing Up Girls: Popular Culture and the Construction of Identity,” Durham Meenakshi Gigi, states that “ Media culture…has materials from which many people can construct their sense of class, ethnicity, race, nationality, sexuality, and personality. …

Media stories and images provide the symbols, myths, and resources, which help constitute common culture for the majority in various parts of the world” (Durham, 194). The media culture has a huge influence on the development of adolescent girls’ especially on the concepts of womanhood and woman-identity. This concept creates aloofness (cool) in children compared to the cute status. In line with Cross’s writing of the Cute and the Cool (130), as fed by signs of the children’s commercial culture, the problem came in when the parent’s vision of the cute was subverted by the child’s vision of the cool. The media is in charge of these social contractions, which they create as a performance category and end up affecting the development of the children. The effects occur on aspects pertaining to how they look at class, sexual orientations, and race in relation to their individual identity during the interaction with their peers and family members.

Teenagers and children develop their understanding of class at a very young age, especially due to the influence of the media. The two magazines, Seventeen and New Moon (1), show how the media give girls different perceptive about how they ought to dress, look, or act. These two magazines are targeting girls but in different ways. In the magazine called ‘Seventeen,’ the target falls on girls’ beauty issues, particularly about how their appearance should be with a close reference to celebrities as the role models, showing their latest trends on dressing, makeup, and hairdos

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