Theories of Learning Environment NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 2 Management and Motivation

Theories of Learning Environment NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 2 Management and Motivation


The learning environment is improved by the application of concepts and their integration with technical knowledge. Simulated lab environments are an excellent way to close these gaps and create a setting that will help medical professionals enter the industry, advance as nurses, and, most importantly, ensure that patients receive the finest care and have the desired results. The Progressive Professional Development Model (PPDM), which incorporates ideas from Motivation Theories, Additional explanation Theory of Guidance, and Social Cognitive Learning Theory of Adult Learning, was used to construct the curriculum for the Labor Assistance Class. Different course modalities were created with the self-directed beginner concept in mind to promote communication links. Additionally, the educator should be cognizant of the technological advancements that could help students in retaining information much easier and help in their skill development (Dickinson, & Mkandawire, 2022). Establishing relationships with students, overcoming generational gaps, sharing knowledge, and demonstrating skills that will improve their clinical qualifications are difficult tasks when the participants are multiracial and multicultural.

Learner Motivation

NURS FPX 6105 Assessment 2 Management and Motivation

The US population is made up, as was already mentioned, of people from many various cultures. These also arise in practice, thus medical educators must be able to motivate students to learn more and continue in the face of difficulties, such as language barriers, and cultural diversity might hinder the students in retaining and understanding the knowledge provided and some might feel it to be against their beliefs due to religious, ethical and moral ties (Cornine, 2020). Since motivation is a vital component of learning, teachers should always make sure that their students feel inspired to perform their best. The experiential teaching approach is a crucial notion that can enhance the motivational aspect of learning. This hypothesis states that rapid evaluation, psychological support, supportive environments, and a good working relationship with the nurse educator all contribute to increased motivation, which is crucial for the educational process (Moran et al., 2021).

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