This assignment aims to begin the planning and research process for the “Benchmark – Mobile App Planning and Design” assignment coming in Topic 7. Students will select and justify a sustainable development goal and provide an outline covering concepts related to creating a requirements document for planning and designing a mobile application to address the goal. Sustainable Development Goal and Mobile App Requirements Outline Sustainable Development Goal and Mobile App Requirements Outline Use this for mobile app design: Part 1 – Choosing a Sustainable Development Goal One of the key principles of the Colangelo College of Business is that business is a force for good to improve society and help communities prosper. For this assignment, consider the GCU’s “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” and the tenets of servant leadership, conscious capitalism, and the sustainable development goals descr

This assignment aims to begin the planning and research process for the “Benchmark – Mobile App Planning and Design” assignment coming in Topic 7. Students will select and justify a sustainable development goal and provide an outline covering concepts related to creating a requirements document for planning and designing a mobile application to address the goal. Sustainable Development Goal and Mobile App Requirements Outline Sustainable Development Goal and Mobile App Requirements Outline Use this for mobile app design: Part 1 – Choosing a Sustainable Development Goal One of the key principles of the Colangelo College of Business is that business is a force for good to improve society and help communities prosper. For this assignment, consider the GCU’s “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” and the tenets of servant leadership, conscious capitalism, and the sustainable development goals descr

Sustainable Development Goal and Mobile App Requirements Outline

Part 1 – Choosing a Sustainable Development Goal

One of the sustainable development goals that I intend to promote is the second goal of ending hunger in all its forms by 2030 through the attainment of food security. The primary aim of this SDG is that the entire globe should have access to nutritious food together with the widespread promotion of sustainable agriculture. This would only be possible through improved productivity and increasing the incomes of small-scale farmers by promoting equal access to land, technology, and markets and adopting resilient agricultural practices (Mio et al., 2020). This goal also calls upon the increase in investments through international cooperation to enhance the productive capacity of agriculture within third-world countries. Significant progress has been realized regarding the fight against hunger within the last 15 years. The progress is pegged on the current population of undernourished individuals (Mio et al., 2020). For instance, the undernourished population decreased globally from 15% between 2000 and 2002 to 11% between 2014 and 2016 (Mio et al., 2020).

Despite realizing this milestone, over 700 million globally still need access to adequate food. It is feared that if the current trend continues, the 2030 target will be greatly missed. Addressing the second sustainable development goal of achieving zero hunger is essential because it can easily be attained by adopting various measures (Mio et al., 2020). For instance, one of the measures towards attaining zero hunger is by shopping locally and during the right season.

Purchasing food products during harvesting helps cushion people against the food shortage problem. Furthermore, people should also learn the art of reducing food wastage by freezing extra produce and saving the leftovers from meals. According to the statistics released by Feeding America, U.S. citizens have been realized to waste about 108 billion pounds of food annually, equivalent to 130 billion discarded meals (Mio et al., 2020). Lastly, people should reduce their meat consumption since approximately 80% of deforestation is brought about by cattle ranching. People embracing a single day of vegetarianism will preserve nearly 3 million acres of land (Mio et al., 2020).

Part 2 – Mobile App Requirements Outline

The product requirements document is a document that exhaustively enumerates the value and purpose of a mobile app towards the development of a product. This document offers a strong foundation for a successful product by listing technical specifications, outlining business logic, and aiding the development team in transforming the concept into a functional app. For this case, the app being developed explains how the second SDG goal could be attained.

Mobile App Objectives

I want the mobile app to inform American citizens whether they are at risk of being struck by hunger. The app should be able to assess the condition of household occupants and the available supply of foodstuffs. As such, the core problem that the app seeks to unravel is to inform people whether they are in danger of running out of food supply shortly by tabling precise figures.

User Journeys

The second stage of the product requirements document entails incorporating the user flow of this app for every type of user. Some of the users I will integrate into the user journeys include regular users, guest users, and admins (Francese et al., 2017). In this user journey, I will elaborate on how every user will interact with the app from the beginning to the end. Since generating user journeys is a collaborative process, I would include various professionals, including but not limited to developers, user experience designers, business analysts, and product managers (Francese et al., 2017). These user journeys are essential because they aid in communicating all the possibilities within the app from the user’s perspective, hence necessitating refining the app’s functionality.

Product Vision Statement

A vision statement outlines the path to achieving the end goal within the mobile app. Furthermore, the vision statement also describes the solution to the problem being experienced by the users. The vision statement for this case would be developing an application for American citizens to unravel the risks they face regarding food security, assessing the number of occupants in a household and the food available for use.

List of Features

The best version of the mobile app is that it offers a simple and intuitive user experience. This experience can only be a

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