Three Healthcare Issues, an Intervention for Each Issue, and Community Resources for Each Health Intervention

Three Healthcare Issues, an Intervention for Each Issue, and Community Resources for Each Health Intervention


Severe Anxiety

HBP patients majorly develop episodes of severe anxiety. This is a mental health disorder in which the patient will consistently experience episodes of intense fear, worries over life and health, and the future outcomes of their health due to the HBP. Severe anxiety significantly lowers the quality of life of HBP patients. The mental disorder is closely associated with morbid depression, and stress can also reduce the capacity of the patient to perform their daily life activities (Ponte Márquez et al., 2019).

Interventions for Severe Anxiety. The developed intervention for severe anxiety in HBP patients focuses on reducing the stress the patient is experiencing due to their health conditions. It applies mindfulness meditation as the main intervention. Mindfulness meditation focuses on ensuring that the patient is aware of their senses and how they feel about their condition without having negative interpretations of their thoughts and feelings. It will involve deep breathing exercises, imagery, sounds and music, and other exercises that will help the patient feel at ease with themselves, both in the body and mind. The use of mindfulness meditation in patients with stress and high arterial blood pressure after an amputation showed that the exercises help them accept their situation with less judgment, which helps patients become less depressed (Ponte Márquez et al., 2019).

Community ResourcesThe available community resources to support the intervention for severe anxiety include the local mental health center, the community gym and play center, and the local community center. These resources provide care and a peer support network.

TimelineThe interventions for severe anxiety will be implemented in three months, with patient progress reviews in managing their anxiety done every two weeks.

Kidney Damage

Kidney damage associated with HBP can lead to a reduced efficiency of kidney functions which further risks the development of multiple health complications. An estimated one in every five people with high blood pressure has or is at risk of developing chronic kidney disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Kidney damage requires a multidimensional care intervention to improve care outcomes, especially in patients with HBP.

Interventions for Kidney DamageThe developed intervention for kidney damage will include both pharmacological and non-pharmacological management approaches. The pharmacological intervention will include using the medications prescribed to manage high blood pressure, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. In case the kidney damage remains progressive, kidney dialysis is proposed. Kidney dialysis can manage both blood pressure and volume and allow the kidneys to recover (Flythe et al., 2020). The non-pharmacological interventions for the kidney damage associated with HBP include making significant dietary and lifestyle changes that involve the intake of healthy foods with reduced unhealthy fats and sodium, reduced alcohol consumption, and better management of blood sugar. HBP patients will also be educated on self-management of blood pressure and other conditions that exacerbate kidney damage.

Community ResourcesThe available community resources for kidney damage interventions include the local farmers market, the local hospital with specialized kidney care services, and the local community center. These resources provide care and support to HBP patients with kidney problems. Top of Form

TimelineThe interventions will be implemented within a period of six months.

Cognitive Decline with High Blood Pressure

Cognitive decline and eventual dementia can occur with HBP due to the damage to blood vessels done by high blood pressure. Since HBP is common mostly in the aging population, damage to the brain’s blood vessels can lead to the early onset of cognitive decline and dementia. Dementia can have a significant impact on the patient’s daily living and their quality of life. Managing cognitive decline and dementia in HBP patients requires employing approaches that slow the onset of the cognitive decline and improve memory, attention, and processing speeds.

Interventions for Cognitive DeclineThe intervention for cognitive decline and dementia is the implementation of various brain-simulating exercises. These include activities in which the patient can

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