Three of the Most Promising Websites and Their Use in Forensic Examination

Three of the Most Promising Websites and Their Use in Forensic Examination


As a digital forensics expert for DigiFirm Investigation Company, I have been tasked with researching tools and information necessary for a Linux forensic investigation. This came after a large corporation was accused of maliciously obtaining client information from a competitor’s database. Therefore, this report discusses the most promising websites that offer detailed information applicable to forensic investigation. TechTalk is the first resource that provides critical insights into digital forensic investigation tools. The site describes a list of 20 software that can aid the case. Each Linux tool is discussed from a broad perspective to offer expert advice (Tabona, 2019).

ScienceDirect also holds voluminous information pertinent to the forensic investigation. Its central themes ring around Linux forensics and discuss the topic from various perspectives, such as basic commands, forensic laboratories, and stepwise autopsy procedures. The resource is incredibly resourceful as it contains indispensable related journals and books. It will be key in guiding the entire investigation for accurate and credible outcomes (Hoog, 211). The outstanding feature of this website is its simplicity and friendly user interface presentation.

Infosec Resources is the final website that deserves to be consulted in the investigation. It begins by presenting the user with the available Linux tools for analyzing drivers and disks. The resource further outlines and describes the major steps in Linux forensic investigations. A picture accompanies each phase to make it easier for the users to comprehend. Besides, the website provides other topics relevant to the digital space, including threat intelligence, data recovery, and hacking (Ninj, 2013). The notable feature of this material is that it is recent and has a logical flow of ideas.


Hoog, A, (211). Android and Mobile Forensics. ScienceDirect.

Ninj, (2013). Linux and Disc Forensics. Infosec Resources.

Tabona, A. (2019). Top 20 Free Digital Forensic Investigation Tools for SysAdmins. TechTalks.


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