Transcultural Nursing: The Case Study

Transcultural Nursing: The Case Study


Subject: Nursing
Pages: 1
Words: 389
Reading time:

2 min

Study level: College

The clinical presentation case assessed was a female having anaemia caused by excessive blood loss suffered menorrhagia. Madam X is a 38-year-old female who comes from the Y community of the B Region. The Y community has a cultural and religious belief that prevents blood transfusion. Their tradition also inhibits their members from seeking medical assistance from current practitioners. The community also believes in traditional medicine and spiritual intervention as the curative form of preventing modern-day illnesses. Based on the Boyle Transcultural Nursing Assessment Guide, Madam X had been born in the community and had believed in medicine until recently she gave up on traditional medicine (Andrews & Boyle, 2019). The client had perceived that changing the form of treatment from conventional to modern was how she could get herself cured. The community prohibits the exposure of the private parts to modern-day practitioners, but the client had agreed to do anything for the sake of being treated. The patient spoke in her vernacular and English language, and thus, we efficiently communicated. The community believed that eating pepper and beetroot would restore her blood loss.

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