“U.S. Legal System Weaknesses” Please respond to the following: The e-Activity suggests at least one weakness in the U.S. legal system pertaining to security that has not been already mentioned in the textbook. Explain the reason for the weakness and whether the weakness has been recognized as well as any attempts that have been made to fix the issue. e-Activity Research the Internet for an article, publication, or document that highlights a weakness in the U.S. legal system within the past 10 years pertaining to security. Be prepared to discuss.

“U.S. Legal System Weaknesses” Please respond to the following: The e-Activity suggests at least one weakness in the U.S. legal system pertaining to security that has not been already mentioned in the textbook. Explain the reason for the weakness and whether the weakness has been recognized as well as any attempts that have been made to fix the issue. e-Activity Research the Internet for an article, publication, or document that highlights a weakness in the U.S. legal system within the past 10 years pertaining to security. Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion – U.S. Legal System Weakness

One of the weaknesses in the U.S. legal system is the significant systemic inequalities, especially in relation to race and ethnicity. The U.S. legal system being a common law system, a lot of the laws are based on precedents. Some of these precedents were made in an era when discrimination was very high in society. Therefore, some of the laws today tend to be inherently discriminative. This weakness has been recognized, and some efforts have been made to change the rules. For instance, women were not allowed to take their children to the floor of the Senate, but this change has since been made, allowing mothers to take care of their children while performing their duties (Wolfe, 2018). Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.


Wolfe, R. (2018, April 10). Tammy Duckworth: giving birth shouldn’t force me to give up my Senate vote on key bills. Retrieved from: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/1/17067466/tammy-duckworth-senate-leave-policy

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