Use of Utilization and Costs Information for Arizona to Build a Stronger Brand for Health Care

Use of Utilization and Costs Information for Arizona to Build a Stronger Brand for Health Care


The findings indicate a variance in Medicare reimbursements across Arizona in 2018, with some parts having the lowest in the region and the U.S. There is also an indication of preference for certain Medicare programs, lack of a single point of care across the state, and lower utilization of end-of-life services. The variance in reimbursement rates, hospital utilizations for certain services, and utilization of different physicians may be due to healthcare accessibility in these regions due to factors such as availability of healthcare services or income.

The use of this utilization and cost information can help Arizona build a stronger brand for healthcare by supporting decisions on resource allocation in regions with lower utilization rates. These trends indicate changes within the healthcare system which may help in designing an agile healthcare health care system and future-proof healthcare system in Arizona. Health data facilitates rational decision-making in allocating resources, which helps improve healthcare utilization while reducing care costs by maximizing the usage of resources (Tian et al., 2019). The utilization rates and costs can also be used to assess different programs based on patient preferences to design customer- and patient-centered programs that deliver the best quality for the patients.


Bronner, K., Eliassen, S., King, A., Leggett, C., Punjasthitkul, S., & Skinner, J. (2021). The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care: 2018 Data Update. In Dartmouth Atlas Project.

Tian, S., Yang, W., Grange, J. M. le, Wang, P., Huang, W., & Ye, Z. (2019). Smart healthcare: making medical care more intelligent. Global Health Journal3(3), 62–65.


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