Using supporting documentation from at least one nursing publication, describe how evidence-based practice differs from research. Evidence-Based Practice vs. Research Evidence-Based Practice vs. Research How would you identify a research project as being an evidence-based intervention project versus the creation of knowledge in a nursing research project?

Using supporting documentation from at least one nursing publication, describe how evidence-based practice differs from research. Evidence-Based Practice vs. Research Evidence-Based Practice vs. Research How would you identify a research project as being an evidence-based intervention project versus the creation of knowledge in a nursing research project?

Evidence-Based Practice vs. Research

Research is used to generate new knowledge, while evidence-based practice translates the generated knowledge into nursing practice. Research tests new hypotheses, while EBP aims to critically appraise research-based evidence. Research also validates existing hypotheses. Research identifies gaps in existing research studies, asks questions concerning these gaps, and develops a hypothesis to answer these questions (Mader & Windelspecht, 2017). Research is systematically conducted to test a hypothesis. The steps in the research include making an observation, developing a hypothesis, designing a study, data collection, data analysis, and conclusion (Mader & Windelspecht, 2017).

Evidence-based practice involves the collection of evidence generated from research and asking questions to critically appraise this evidence. After clinically appraising this evidence by determining its validity, it can be applied in a clinical environment. EBP can be defined as incorporating the best evidence from studies to solve clinical problems (Reid et al., 2017). During evidence-based practice, the impacts of this evidence on healthcare outcomes are documented, and the findings are disseminated to various stakeholders. Evidence-based practices utilize the PICOT method (patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time) (Eriksen & Frandsen, 2018).

An example of a research question would be, “ What is the role of lifestyle interventions in managing hypertension.” An example of an EBP PICOT question would be, “ For patients with hypertension (P), is lifestyle modifications (I), compared to pharmacotherapy (C) effective in controlling blood pressure readings (O). This PICOT question will involve critically appraising existing research evidence. A research project is an evidence-based project when it attempts to offer a clinical problem, while a research project is for creating knowledge when it aims to test a theory.


Eriksen, M. B., & Frandsen, T. F. (2018). The impact of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) as a search strategy tool on literature search quality: A systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association106(4).

Mader, S., & Windelspecht, M. (2017). Human biology. McGraw-Hill Education.

Reid, J., Briggs, J., Carlisle, S., Scott, D., & Lewis, C. (2017). Enhancing utility and understanding of evidence-based practice through undergraduate nurse education. BMC



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