UXM3 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing QUOTA

UXM3 Task 1: Academic Research and Evidence-Based Writing QUOTA

Instructions: This template is used for Part A of UXM1, Task 1. Complete all portions of the template in accordance with the Task 1, Part A instructions. A1. Title and Link for Journal or Periodical Article Consider a Career as a Patient Advocate https://eds.p.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail? vid=2&sid=0d5160c2-5a0c-48b1-880bbd451b8588b2%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d %3d#AN=110420326&db=ccm QUOTA Criteria for Evaluating Sources: Provide an explanation for each of the five criteria below and include specific details in each explanation. Qualified: Explain how the author’s qualifications and/or the publisher’s reputation contribute to the credibility of the resource. The author, Lesley Kadlec, is an MA and RHIA. The abbreviation, RHIA stands for Registered Health Information Administrator, is a professional certification an individual receives after passing a certification exam which demonstrates an individual knows about patient rights and safety pertaining to a patients health information. Since the author has this certification, it demonstrates that the information provided throughout the article is credible and comes from a source that knows what they are “talking about”. Up-to-Date: Explain how the resource is current (published within the last five years) or foundational (if not current). Although the resource was published in 2015, the information presented is foundational because it contains essential information on what a patient advocate is, the responsibilies of a patient advocate, as well as the skills needed to become a patient advocate Objectivity: Explain whether the resource is objective or still credible even if some bias or opinion is present. The resource is credible and is objective because it provides relevant statistics on patient advocate jobs, describes basic duties of patient advocates, as well as provides basic and essential skills that a patient advocate needs to be successful

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