Week 6-Leadership and Professional Identity-Scheduling and Staffing Scheduling and Staffing Competency Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes.Scenario You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short-staffed. You have five registered nurses (RNs), two licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and two nursing assistants. Those nine employees need to provide a 12-hour shift of services to 30 clients with a high acuity required to a ratio of nurse to client at 1:3.Client acuity level Six acuity level 1 Eight acuity level 2 Nine acuity level 3 Seven acuity level 4

Week 6-Leadership and Professional Identity-Scheduling and Staffing Scheduling and Staffing Competency Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes.Scenario You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short-staffed. You have five registered nurses (RNs), two licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and two nursing assistants. Those nine employees need to provide a 12-hour shift of services to 30 clients with a high acuity required to a ratio of nurse to client at 1:3.Client acuity level Six acuity level 1 Eight acuity level 2 Nine acuity level 3 Seven acuity level 4

List of Medications

Medication Name/



Indications Actions Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Implication
Apixaban (brand name- Eliquis) 5mg P.O. B.D.










§  Prevention of systemic embolism and stroke in non-valvular atrial fibrillation.


§  Treatment of pulmonary embolism.

§  Prevention of pulmonary embolism after knee or hip replacement surgery.

§  Treatment of deep venous thrombosis.

§  Prophylaxis of deep venous thrombosis after knee or hip replacement surgery.

§  Decreases the reoccurrence of pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis (Agrawal et al., 2022).


§  Inhibits factor Xa, leading to blockage of the propagation phase in the coagulation cascade.


§  Inhibits thrombokinase activity and clot-bound and free factor Xa, leading to indirect inhibition of platelet aggregation caused by thrombin (Agrawal et al., 2022).


Therapeutic effects:

§  Prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic events.

§  Hypersensitivity


§  Active bleeding

§  Patients with mitral stenosis, mechanical and prosthetic heart valves.

§  Forty-eight hours before invasive procedures or elective surgery with a moderate or high risk of bleeding

§  Twenty-four hours before invasive procedures or elective surgery, with a low risk of bleeding (Agrawal et al., 2022)



§  Hypersensitivity reaction (allergic edema, rashes)


§  Bleeding

§  Epistaxis

§  Rectal hemorrhage

§  Gingival hemorrhage

§  Postoperative hemorrhage

§  Nausea

§  Hematuria

§  Bruising

§  Hemoptysis

§  Increased levels of gamma-glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and serum transaminases (Agrawal et al., 2022).





§  Administer oral-activated charcoal in case of an apixaban overdose.

§  Monitor the patient for pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis during therapy with apixaban.



§  Discontinue apixaban 48 hours before invasive procedures or elective surgery with a moderate or high risk of bleeding.

§  Discontinue apixaban 24 hours before invasive procedures or elective surgery with a low risk of bleeding.

§  Warfarin should be replaced by apixaban when INR is less than 2.

§  Discontinue apixaban before initiating therapy with another anticoagulant, such as warfarin (Agrawal et al., 2022).


Patient/Family Teaching:

§  Advise patient to take apixaban as directed, even if feeling well.

§  Advise the patient to take a missed dose as soon as possible on the same day.

§  Educate the patient on signs of bleeding and other side effects.

§  Advise the patient to take a missed dose as soon as possible on the same day.

§  Advise the patient to resume taking medication twice daily after a missed dose.

§  Advise the patient against doubling the dose when there is a missed dose.

§  If the patient cannot swallow, advise the patient to crush the tablet and suspend it in water (Agrawal et al., 2022).

§  Advise the patient to take the medication with or without food.

§  Advise patients to disclose their medication history if they visit a different healthcare provider.

§  Advise the patient to look for signs of hypersensitivity, such as rashes.

§  Advise pati

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