We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Anatomy and Physiology 1-Body Fat For this week’s discussion: Some athletes work to reduce their body fat to the lowest percent possible. Think about and research the pros and cons of this. What might be the functional and structural consequences of having a body fat percentage that is too low?

Anatomy and Physiology 1-Body Fat

For this week’s discussion:

Some athletes work to reduce their body fat to the lowest percent possible. Think about and research the pros and cons of this. What might be the functional and structural consequences of having a body fat percentage that is too low?


We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Anatomy and Physiology 1-Body Fat For this week’s discussion: Some athletes work to reduce their body fat to the lowest percent possible. Think about and research the pros and cons of this. What might be the functional and structural consequences of having a body fat percentage that is too low?

Anatomy and Physiology 1-Body Fat

It is the dream of every athlete to have a lean body. They do not want to have hanging stomachs, and they want to show off their abs. However, it reaches a point where shedding fat is dangerous for our health. A body fat below 5% indicates poor health, even in athletes (Fetters, 2018). Body fat is essential in the body. Fat allows for good performance of body systems such as the cardiovascular, skeletal, nervous, and reproductive systems. Without the necessary fats, these systems would not function properly.

Having a low body fat percentage can negatively affect the functionality of the cardiovascular system. It can reduce the heart rate, causing bradycardia, leading to unconsciousness, dizziness, and cardiac arrest (Fetters, 2018). In addition to this, low body fat can cause electrolyte imbalance, causing cardiac arrhythmias and even death (Fetters, 2018). Low-body fat will result in the depletion of energy reserves, so the body may not perform properly. Low body fat levels result in slower heart rates and low production of thyroid hormones, which can cause fatigue (Fetters, 2018).

Fats are important in insulating internal organs and maintaining body temperature (Fetters, 2018). Individuals with low-fat percentages have a low-functioning internal thermostat and hence feel cold all the time. Low leptin levels can affect testosterone production since the body’s internal mechanisms signal the testes to produce low testosterone (Fetters, 2018). Finally, low body fat percentage interferes with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D and Calcium(). Athletes with low body fat percentage have low bone density and can even be diagnosed with osteoporosis. In conclusion, even though many athletes thrive for lean bodies, they must be careful not to overdo since low-body fat percentages have negative health outcomes.


Fetters, K. A. (2018, May 21). 15 negative effects of low body fat. Men’s Journal. https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/15-negative-effects-having-low-body-fat-percentage




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