We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Dissemination of Research and Evidence for Practice The topic for this week is the dissemination of research and evidence for practice. Often visualizing how you might share your work in the future may assist in giving you ideas about the planning and conducting of your project so you will have what you need when ready to share. It may help you think ahead about your future audience. Share at least three of the ways you may consider disseminating your findings when your DNP project is completed on a local, regional, and national level. (Related to MO2) 2. When integrating and sustaining EBP, Melnyk (2019) stated it is important to know about the current barriers and find ways to eliminate persistent barriers in the work environment. A. Find one peer review article that discusses one of the four models of organizational change discussed in your Melnyk chapter readings; B. discuss ways to b1. create and b2. sustain an environment for EB

Dissemination of Research and Evidence for Practice

Dissemination of Research and Evidence for Practice

The topic for this week is the dissemination of research and evidence for practice. Often visualizing how you might share your work in the future may assist in giving you ideas about the planning and conducting of your project so you will have what you need when ready to share. It may help you think ahead about your future audience. Share at least three of the ways you may consider disseminating your findings when your DNP project is completed on a local, regional, and national level. (Related to MO2)

2. When integrating and sustaining EBP, Melnyk (2019) stated it is important to know about the current barriers and find ways to eliminate persistent barriers in the work environment.
A. Find one peer review article that discusses one of the four models of organizational change discussed in your Melnyk chapter readings;
B. discuss ways to b1. create and b2. sustain an environment for EBP, and
C. share the evaluative outcomes implemented by the authors. (Related to MO1,2,3)


We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Dissemination of Research and Evidence for Practice The topic for this week is the dissemination of research and evidence for practice. Often visualizing how you might share your work in the future may assist in giving you ideas about the planning and conducting of your project so you will have what you need when ready to share. It may help you think ahead about your future audience. Share at least three of the ways you may consider disseminating your findings when your DNP project is completed on a local, regional, and national level. (Related to MO2) 2. When integrating and sustaining EBP, Melnyk (2019) stated it is important to know about the current barriers and find ways to eliminate persistent barriers in the work environment. A. Find one peer review article that discusses one of the four models of organizational change discussed in your Melnyk chapter readings; B. discuss ways to b1. create and b2. sustain an environment for EB

Dissemination of Research and Evidence for Practice

Research findings continue to inform medical practice. Research dissemination can be achieved through oral presentations, publishing in statewide publications and national journals, and hosting health promotion events at learning institutions and health fairs (Ross-Hellauer et al., 2020). Accordingly, I would consider these three methods when disseminating my findings once my DNP project is completed. Oral presentations are advantageous as they allow the audience to appraise the findings instantly. The audience can also interrogate the credibility on-site and interrogate problematic areas. Publishing research findings is another easy and cost-effective option for disseminating research findings. Publishing in national journals and other statewide publications guarantees access to a larger audience. Publications are also likely to last longer. Also, hosting health fairs allows direct reach to the target audience. It allows visualizing how one can implement findings in conventional practice.

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Organizational change epitomizes steps taken by organizational leadership to alter components of organizational operationalization. Li et al. (2020) detail the application of the transtheoretical model of behavior change in changing health risk behaviors. In the article, transtheoretical model-based interventions and motivational interviewing are used in the comprehensive management of patients with depression and coronary heart disease comorbidity.

Several ways can be used to create an environment for EBP. These include communicating the EBP to the organizational subjects, involving members in decision-making, providing a realistic vision of why the EBP should be implemented, and identifying and addressing anticipated sources of resistance to the EBP (Sung & Kim, 2021). To sustain EBP, organizational leadership should encourage its members to adopt a culture of transparency, openness to adaptability, and adoption of the changing culture (Phillips & Klein, 2022). Additionally, they can unify the team and align it with the organizational vision by communicating its provision.

The study by Li et al. (2020) demonstrated that transtheoretical model-based interviewing exerted positive effects on the comprehensive management of depression. More perceived benefits were demonstrated by clients in the intervention group. This revealed the applicability of this model in exerting positive behavioral changes in communities. The authors further recommended the use of change models in health promotion campaigns targeting behavior change.


Li, X., Yang, S., Wang, Y., Yang, B., & Zhang, J. (2020). Effects of a transtheoretical model-based intervention and motivational interviewing on the management of depression in hospitalized patients with coronary heart disease: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08568-x 

Phillips, J., & Klein, J. D. (2022). Change management: From theory to practice. TechTrends67(1), 189–197. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-022-00775-0 

Ross-Hellauer, T., Tennant, J. P., Banelytė, V., Gorogh, E., Luzi, D., Kraker, P., Pisacane, L., Ruggieri, R., Sifacaki, E., & Vignoli, M. (2020). Ten simple rules for innovative dissemination of research. PLOS Computational Biology16(4). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007704

Sung, W., & Kim, C. (2021). A study on the effect of Change Management on Organizational Innovation: Focusing on the mediating effect of members’ innovative behavior. Sustainability13(4), 2079. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13042079



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