We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism You are going to investigate ways to improve your metabolism. Using what you learned in this chapter, research at least one method that can help boost your metabolism. There are many suggestions out there, however, make sure that you support your claims with real evidence. In your discussion post you must: Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism Research and explain at least one method to help boost your metabolism. Provide evidence in how this method works and whether there are any risk factors when it comes to your health.

Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism

You are going to investigate ways to improve your metabolism. Using what you learned in this chapter, research at least one method that can help boost your metabolism. There are many suggestions out there, however, make sure that you support your claims with real evidence.

In your discussion post you must:

Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism

Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism

  1. Research and explain at least one method to help boost your metabolism. Provide evidence in how this method works and whether there are any risk factors when it comes to your health.



We’ll write everything from scratch Question  Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism You are going to investigate ways to improve your metabolism. Using what you learned in this chapter, research at least one method that can help boost your metabolism. There are many suggestions out there, however, make sure that you support your claims with real evidence. In your discussion post you must: Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism Research and explain at least one method to help boost your metabolism. Provide evidence in how this method works and whether there are any risk factors when it comes to your health.

Nutrition-Muscle Building in Boosting Metabolism

Metabolism is an important biological process in the human body. During metabolism, the body obtains energy and other molecules from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates through biochemical processes catalyzed by enzymes. Accordingly, through metabolic pathways, metabolism results in the release of end products essential to the body. Additionally, metabolic pathways can be manipulated to boost metabolism due to the various factors that affect the metabolism rate. Subsequently, there are different methods to boost metabolism with various results in mind, such as weight loss. One way to boost metabolism is to consistently build muscle through multiple methods, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) (NHS, 2020).

Muscle building boosts metabolism because a lot of energy is required to maintain muscle cells. Therefore, high energy expenditure boosts metabolism (NHS, 2020). One method to build muscles is through physical activity, such as high-intensity interval training. According to Gibala & McGee (2008), “HIT generally refers to repeated sessions of relatively brief intermittent exercise, often performed with an “all-out” effort or at an intensity close to that which elicits V˙O2peak.” Accordingly, this argument illustrates that HIIT involves rigorous repetitive exercises that result in an almost peak oxygen uptake, indicating that the aerobic metabolism is highly boosted due to oxygen expenditure.

Exercising is a significant method of building muscles; however, HIIT has been found to be more effective. Additionally, building muscles consists of burning calories, which promotes metabolism in the body. Moreover, HIIT results in peak oxygen uptake due to the aerobic metabolism process it influences and adaptations effects due to the activation of enzymes in the muscles; these enzymes catalyze metabolic processes in the body, thus boosting metabolism (Gibala & McGee, 2008). Also, previously conducted research indicates that the impacts of HIIT can be seen a fortnight after the activity, which boosts individuals’ drive for physical activities; hence, metabolism is continually boosted after HIIT. This illustrates that muscle-building from HIIT affects an individual’s psychological and physiological aspects (Gibala & McGee, 2008).

Physical activity such as HIIT activates the muscles throughout the body. Consequently, it commences aerobic metabolism, which raises the oxygen capacity of muscles in the body. Accordingly, this oxygen capacity boosts the metabolism and metabolism rate while the body is at rest; hence, calories are utilized (Gibala & McGee, 2008). In addition, this process occurs in all muscle cells throughout the body; hence metabolism is boosted. Further, muscle building has various effects on the body.

The amount of HIIT should be regulated to prevent adverse effects on the body. However, the effects of regular HIIT possess advantages to the body by preventing or reducing the adverse effects of chronic illnesses such as certain cardiovascular diseases. This is because HIIT boosts the metabolism of the heart through the cardiovascular muscles. Additionally, it reduces cases of insulin resistance in the body due to the glycolytic fibers of the muscles (Gibala & McGee, 2008). Therefore, this indicates that building muscles from HIIT prevents individuals from ailing from chronic illnesses. Moreover, boosted metabolism promotes the burning of calories, regulating fat build-up in the body, thus preventing obesity and overweight disorders.

Despite all the advantages of muscle build-up from HIIT, it is not applicable to all individuals. This applies to individuals with previous medical conditions that may get worse from HIIT. Furthermore, side effects of HIIT might include fatigue and strain on the body, causing stress which might result in ailments. Also, HIIT results are not long-lasting as effects can be seen up to a fortnight (Gibala & McGee, 2008).

In conclusion, metabolism can be boosted by influencing metabolic pathways. Metabolic pathways comprise products, enzymes, and end products. Enzymes can be manipulated in various ways, including muscle building. Subsequently, physical activities such as HIIT can be used to build muscles. Building muscles from HIIT results in high oxygen capacity of muscles and boosted activity of muscle enzymes that promotes metabolism during activity and while resting.


Gibala, M., & McGee, S. (2008). Metabolic Adaptations to Short-term High-Intensity Interval Training. Exercise And Sport Sciences Reviews, 36(2), 58-63. doi: 10.1097/jes.0b013e318168ec1f

NHS. (2020). How can I speed up my metabolism?. NHS.uk. Retrieved from https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/metabolism-and-weight-loss/.


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