We’ll write everything from scratch Question Submit an essay on the developed action plan for a community educational project. The project plan should include 2 (two) goals and objectives based on your topic from Healthy People 2020, an implementation plan for implementing these activities, a budget (if necessary, not required), a justification for the project, a description of where and when the plan will be implemented, and a description of the teaching materials which will be utilized during the execution of the project. Action Plan for Mental Health Sensitization Action Plan for Mental Health Sensitization Then, recommend nursing actions/interventions to address the health concern and achieve your stated goals and objectives. Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to implement your recommendations and create a timeline (i.e., 3 months, 6 months) for potential expected outcomes. The assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The ess

We’ll write everything from scratch Question Submit an essay on the developed action plan for a community educational project. The project plan should include 2 (two) goals and objectives based on your topic from Healthy People 2020, an implementation plan for implementing these activities, a budget (if necessary, not required), a justification for the project, a description of where and when the plan will be implemented, and a description of the teaching materials which will be utilized during the execution of the project. Action Plan for Mental Health Sensitization Action Plan for Mental Health Sensitization Then, recommend nursing actions/interventions to address the health concern and achieve your stated goals and objectives. Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to implement your recommendations and create a timeline (i.e., 3 months, 6 months) for potential expected outcomes. The assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The ess

Action Plan for Mental Health Sensitization

Like many African Americans, Cameroon Americans have a culture that promotes the stigmatization of mental health. They distrust the American healthcare system and believe that mental health is due to witchcraft and possession of spirits (Edem-Enang, 2021). It will thus be critical to develop an action plan to sensitize this community on the available mental health services they can access to improve. This project will educate Cameroon Americans on the causes, symptoms, and management strategies for mental healthcare conditions. This action plan aims to demystify the myths associated with mental health. The nursing interventions that will help achieve the project goals will also be considered. It is also critical to include both private and public partnerships that can help implement the action plan.


This action plan will have two goals that align with the Healthy People 2020 objectives:

Enhance the quality, availability, and effectiveness of community-based and education programs for mental health to improve health, prevent disease, and improve the quality of life (CDC, 2018).

Enhance the health status and well-being of all people at risk of or suffering from mental health conditions (CDC, 2018).


Increase the proportion of Cameroon Americans who self-report good mental health within six months (CDC, 2018).

Within six months, the ratio of schools with health education objectives that address mental health promotion and disease prevention will increase (CDC, 2018).


The rate of mental health in African Americans is at 16.9% (Noonan et al., 2016). Many African Americans suffer severe psychological distress compared to other races. African Americans have more intense and frequent mental health issues compared to other issues. This is primarily because of health disparities such as poverty, racism, and discrimination, which disproportionally affect ethnic minorities such as African Americans (Noonan et al., 2016). Statistics have shown that African Americans get fewer drugs because of racism, low income levels, and lack of health insurance. African Americans with depression and lack of insurance are prescribed fewer antidepressants than the insured; even among insured patients, they still get fewer antidepressants than their white counterparts (Noonan et al., 2016). Africans are prescribed fewer SSRIs than treatment centers serving fewer minorities (Noonan et al., 2016).

Health education that will raise awareness of mental health services will be an essential intervention to help African Americans access mental health services. Mental health is a severe global project. This action plan is essential since the culture of Cameroon Americans has promoted mental health stigma and prevented them from using mental health services in the United States. This action plan will help this population be aware of the available mental health resources within their community and demystify any myths and stigma associated with mental health. This project will be implemented at the household level when all the family members are present. This project will be executed during weekends when all household members are free from school or work obligations.

Teaching materials will be used to help the population easily understand mental health concepts. The teaching materials that will be used in the action plan include t-shirts that have writings that discourage mental health stigma. Plays will be used to pass mental health information to children. They will retain this information since they will enjoy playing the games, and hence, they will not easily forget. Another teaching strategy that will be used among the children and the young ones will be songs. These songs will be about mental health and the myths surrounding it. These songs will also discourage mental health stigma. Posters and PowerPoint slides will be used to educate adults on the available mental health services within their areas and demystify the myths associated with mental health. In addition to these, the literate adults will be directed to websites of organizations that discuss the benefits of seeking mental health services. Each household will be given a poster to remind them constantly of the importance of seeking mental health services and reducing the stigma associated with mental health.

Nursing Intervention Recommendation to Improve the Health Concern

The first nursing intervention will be to understand how stigmas serve as barriers to accessing mental health services. Mental health conditions are similar to physical conditions. If they are not checked, they can worsen and affect the health status of individuals. Mental health conditions disrupt relations

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