What are the theory-practice gaps you can identify in your current practice? Describe one example in your response. What plan would you recommend bridging the gap between theory and practice in your current and future nursing practice? How would the plan that benefit your practice outcomes? Include at least two examples of how you would integrate specific languages of nursing theory into your routine nursing practice. Reflection On Theory-Practice Integration Essay Assignment

What are the theory-practice gaps you can identify in your current practice? Describe one example in your response. What plan would you recommend bridging the gap between theory and practice in your current and future nursing practice? How would the plan that benefit your practice outcomes? Include at least two examples of how you would integrate specific languages of nursing theory into your routine nursing practice. Reflection On Theory-Practice Integration Essay Assignment


This discussion explores the subject of theory-practice integration in the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) role. It discusses the theory-practice gaps in my current nursing practice. It proposes a strategy to close these gaps using ideas from the paper “Theory Guided Practice in Nursing” by Saleh (2018). Lastly, the discussion looks into how to apply particular nursing theory languages to everyday nursing practice.

Theory-Practice Gaps in Current Practice

Theory-practice gaps are areas in nursing practice where the implementation of theoretical knowledge needs to be improved. As an APN, I have observed a few theory-practice gaps in my current work. Inconsistency in applying evidence-based practice (EBP) recommendations across the healthcare team is an instance. Despite the availability of research information, some team members might keep relying on outdated procedures that are not in line with the most recent recommendations. This disparity might lead to inefficiencies in patient treatment and impede the delivery of optimal outcomes. Reflection On Theory-Practice Integration Essay Assignment

Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

To bridge the theory-practice gaps in my current and future nursing practice, I would recommend the following plan:

  1. Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration: For theory to be applied in practice, nurses must collaborate and communicate effectively. Regular interdisciplinary team meetings, which allow sharing of research findings and improved recommendations, are essential. This strategy supports integrating theory into practice and fosters mutual learning (Saleh, 2018).
  2. Continuous Professional Development: Lifelong learning fills the gaps between theory and practice. It is extremely important to establish regular classes that emphasize developments in nursing theory and evidence-based practice. By staying current on the most recent theories and research, healthcare professionals can use this information daily. Thus, a better-informed and more effective strategy is ensured.
  3. Implementing Clinical Guidelines and Protocols: Developing and implementing comprehensive clinical guidelines and protocols based on the latest research evidence is imperative. These guidelines should be easily accessible and regularly updated to reflect evolving best practices. By adhering to standardized protocols, healthcare professionals can ensure a consistent application of theory in their daily practice. Reflection On Theory-Practice Integration Essay Assignment

Integration of Nursing Theory into Routine Practice

Integrating specific languages of nursing theory into routine practice can enhance patient care and outcomes. Below are two examples of how I would incorporate nursing theory into my practice:

  1. Watson’s Theory of Human Caring: I emphasize the need to develop a caring and empathetic nurse-patient relationship. I value spending quality time with patients, genuinely listening to their concerns, and displaying empathy by integrating Watson’s theory into my practice. According to Gunawan et al. (2022), this approach provides a therapeutic setting and supports extensive patient-centered treatment.
  2. Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory: I would apply Orem’s theory by assessing their abilities and providing appropriate education and support to address patients’ self-care needs. By actively empowering patients to participate in their care, I can promote self-management and enhance their overall well-being (Isik & Fredland, 2023).


To conclude, theory-practice integration is vital to delivering high-quality nursing care. APNs may enhance patient outcomes and promote evidence-based care by recognizing theory-practice gaps, devising a plan to bridge these gaps, and integrating specific nursing theories into everyday practice. Theory-guided practice necessitates ongoing professional development, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the implementation of clinical guidelines. Employing these tactics ensures that nursing theory becomes a fundamental component of our daily practice, which will eventually benefit patients and nurses. Reflection On Theory-Practice Integration Essay Assignment


Gunawan, J., Aungsuroch, Y., Watson, J., & Marzilli, C. (2022). Nursing administration: Watson’s theory of human caring. Nursing Science Quarterly, 35(2), 235-243.

Isik, E., & Fredland, N. M. (2023). Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory to improve children’s self-care: An integrative review. The Journal o

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